Tokyo, Japan
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todou 21. Okt. um 16:14 
"I had a friend called Eren Jeager, I think his eyes were green like the tree he used to take naps under, or maybe was it blue? like ocean we promised to see? Or was it the grey that the world became after he left us?..." - Armin
forgetme2 14. Okt. um 17:09 
Lo primero que la cambiaría (sin ánimos de ofender) es la foto. Parece una foto de un recluso de la cárcel. Un poco menos de seriedad y no tires la cabeza tan para atrás
Nightlover 31. Aug. um 22:04 
bmx player
Toti 15. Feb. um 10:31 
desliga fdp
zero um da quebrada 16. Mai 2023 um 20:05 
que mfirmas el muro pedazo de gil retrasado
Zina 6. Apr. 2023 um 1:01 
que hacker ruim , melhora isso maluco!