
Starcoar の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:37.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:27.4時間)
I just recently reinstalled Vampire Survivor to get a feel of the difference between the two games, and I must say... it's staggering how much this game is better in every possible way.

-Menus are easier to navigate
- Game play mechanics are refined and feel clean
- It's free

There's a lot to love about this game, and don't let the anime girls fool you because it almost fooled me.

Again, It's free. Just try it
投稿日 2024年10月27日.
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総プレイ時間:72.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:72.0時間)
Too long didn't read version: This Chrono Trigger/Mario RPG game is nearly flawless. Buy it. Buy it now.

Long version: Lately I've noticed my nostalgia has been keeping me from playing triple A titles that cost $80+ and have ad campaigns that really hype up the game. More often then not these triple A games aren't worth the price, they don't keep my interest long enough to finish the game, or they end up being forgettable in the end.

This game checks every box that I expect from a game.
Just looking at screenshots or the trailers can give you a rough idea what to expect. If you clicked on this game and have an interest in RPGs such as Chrono Trigger or any of the Mario RPGs then this game is going to blow your heckin mind.

- Graphics. It looks gorgeous. I haven't played a game with this style of graphics that doesn't use the same assets over and over again in a long time. Every new area has a fresh look to it. Never looking like the area before it.

- Music/Sound design. My heart bleeds for this soundtrack. I regret not buying the OST at the start. I thought after finishing the game that I could find the OST on my spotify, but was sorely mistaken. There is so much soul and emotion to the soundtrack. You can tell the sound design team is very passionate with how music and sound effects should line up with scenes.

- Story. It isn't the end all be all of stories, but it captivated me until the end. Many twists that had me gasping or just going "OHH DANG" so there is something here to enjoy. I might not be giving the story enough credit, but it's good. REALLY good.

- Gameplay. It's not difficult, but I did die a few times. You can make the game difficult with special items you can find along the journey that add challenge and also award the player so that's good for the "masochists" out there. I thought the difficulty was welcoming. Dying isn't fun all the time. If you have played games like this before then you likely will experience it how I did. If you're more casual with games then it might be the perfect kind of difficulty for you. Again dying is not fun. In some games it can be a learning experience (Souls like games), but in this one it just feels good to defeat enemies or bosses with ease.

- Length: It says on steam it took me about 70+ hours to beat it. I did almost everything in this game. I also might have left the game running idol for a few hours so I would say this is roughly a 50-60 hour game if you want to 100% it. Depending how much back tracking you might have to do if you weren't thoroughly looking around for treasure chests from the start of the game.

- Backtracking: Okay I'm ranting now so be prepared. ALSO SPOILER WARNING!!!! Gunna try keeping that on the down low but just... be careful reading this

----------------------SPOILER RANT START-------------------------
So you beat the game. Then you find out it says "The End?" on the final screen. So obviously you need to do end game stuff. And you do. Because this stuff is HEAVY STORY stuff. Not just like achievement hunting stuff , but story that really should not be locked behind the following requirements.

You are assigned to do tasks for the party members. Each character has a specific task to complete before you can get the TRUE ENDING so it becomes required. Some of this stuff you can do before beating the final boss the first time, but after you beat the game you must reload to the last save and do some tasks that can't be accessed yet till the end. So most of them are easy enough to do. But there is one notorious task that kept me from considering this game to be perfect.

You must collect all 60 hidden Rainbow Conch items

I had to look up a guide for this. I am so upset that STORY BEATS WERE LOCKED BEHIND A WALL BECAUSE OF THIS TASK. If it was just for a super weapon then okay, but it is required to see the BEST ENDING and that rubs me the wrong way. I cannot believe this idea was considered by the team that made this game. Maybe I just suck at exploration, but I cannot say this game is perfect simply from this flaw.

------------------SPOILER RANT OVER---------------------

- Conclusion: I love this game. Easily my favourite game of 2023. I am surprised how well it turned out and the impression it left with me. I love games that I can think about almost every day. Whether it was from story beats or from listening to the soundtrack, a game that keeps you from forgetting about it in a positive light is a very good game. A lasting impression is important, and I believe this game is going to stay in my heart and memories forever.

Buy this game.
Buy it now.
投稿日 2023年10月17日.
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