Tim   Florida, United States
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Prestasjoner   29 av 38
2 654 timer spilt
Fans of Logistical 1 will not be disappointed. It plays very much the same, with some new enhancements. The big deal with this 3rd iteration is that instead of playing 1 module at a time (like Australia, or Florida) you are playing the whole world, which you unlock piece by piece. The unlocking, so far, has just been about “solve this town to expand to Germany”. You start in New Zealand and the first unlock is Australia. You are limited in how many vehicles you can own in a region. The way to unlock more vehicle bandwidth is to solve towns. Every 10th town solved equals another vehicle spot, up to the region max.

It’s been pretty smooth for me. No glitches, no slowdowns, no crashes. I do wonder how cluttered things may get after I unlock several regions. Each one has its own vehicle roster, so that list can grow quite large I assume. I have not opened anything besides road vehicles yet, so I’m still looking forward to seeing rail lines, sea and air transport, etc.

So far, so good! I'll update this as I get more regions/vehicle types unlocked.
Just Cause 3
Nylig aktivitet
18,7 timer totalt
sist spilt den 12. mars
32 timer totalt
sist spilt den 11. mars
4,2 timer totalt
sist spilt den 9. mars
Prestasjoner   3 av 55
TheShadow 22. des. 2023 kl. 18.43 
Send me an invite if you are interested in some Antihero turn based play. :cozybethesda:
Skorin 2. juli 2011 kl. 10.07 
Hi Spect, I'm posting this to receive a ticket to win fabulous prizes! I hope spreadsheet game is going well!