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60.8 hrs on record (18.2 hrs at review time)
Aunque por ahora tiene algunos problemas de conexión, el juego está fenomenal. Se nota muy dinámico y tienes muchas opciones sin ser imposible enterarte de las cosas lo cual es bastante plus. A medio camino entre el diablo 4 que está hecho "para todo el mundo" y el poe que es muy complejo.
Posted 25 February, 2024.
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108.9 hrs on record (86.6 hrs at review time)
To put things in perspective I have played and completed every soulsborne and sekiro, except for the Demon Souls game.

After completion of two different endings Ranni and normal ending I feel like i can finally make a review of it.

I will list my pros and cons and then make a small comentary about it:

+ Game is polished, but Imo combat flow is not as good as it is on sekiro. In the end, is more of a Dark souls than anything else.
+ Combat has many more options than any of the Dark Souls, bloodborne or sekiro. Still, I wish there was a katana or something similar to the one in sekiro where you can actually parry with it.
+ "Bonfires" or Marika statues at bosses door makes it far more entertaining, as it allows you to fight them full HP and items, so you can play more agro, and it's also a LOT less infuriating when you die. This is not true for all bosses tho (for example Dragon Lord Placidusax has a big walk and its a bit annoying.
+ Graphics are very good, nice step up from previous Dark Souls.
+ Open World allows for exploration regardless of levels and only some parts of the map are gated after bosses or items.

- There are like a thousand npcs with quests and you will probably miss many of them as they move to locations you will probably not go through in your playthrough or maybe you will pass before the npc moves there or even miss it. So you will probably have to replay this 4-5 times with guides to complete all quests....
- Some builds are just not as good in PvE as others, and not all weapons are as playable which is a shame.
- Capped at 60 fps.
- Limited re-spec items.
-Many npcs die after triggering some events and you will lock yourself out of quest without knowing it.
- Some enemies are just over utilized and recycled to eternity, such as crucible knights. Also some bosses are recycled too ( Whats the point in two Astels?
-Some bosses were overtuned and/or just not fun if you were not running some specific builds.
- No katana parry (for real, there is an specific boss Malenia which I would love to own with the katana from sekiro.

Overall, I liked the game, and I would buy it again. Has a lot of things to do and hours to spend. Sadly this time I don't really have people to play with unlike DS3 when it launched so I can't comment on online options, PvP was often laggy the times I tried it.

If i had to give numeric scores:
·Overall: 8/10
·Difficulty: 7/10-10/10 depending on build.
·Graphics: 9.5/10
·Replayability: 8.5/10. I would rate this higher if I was not forced to replay the game again because I missed on a quest for going somewhere before talking with some specific npc which then dies or dissappears and then the quest is blocked. There is enough content to be rated higher.
Posted 3 April, 2022. Last edited 7 April, 2022.
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57.2 hrs on record (37.4 hrs at review time)
El juego me ha resultado entretenido, aunque al nivel 30 o asi te das cuenta de que está sin terminar, y lo venden como terminado.

- Es como un gw2 2 en muchas cosas.
- Personalmente me gusta que no haya clases y sean las armas las que determinen tu rol, además cada arma tiene dos "ramas" de talentos con distintas habilidades y pasivas.
- Los graficos están fenomenal, aunque el juego esta mal optimizado.


- MUY POCA VARIEDAD de enemigos. En cuanto pasas a la segunda zona te das cuenta de que todos los npcs enemigos son IGUALES. Hay como 4-5 estilos y ya, esto no cambia en zonas de más nivel, en este sentido muy repetitivo.
- El azoth tiene un cap muy bajo, se usa para muchas cosas, como profesiones o viaje rapido, y un viaje rapido cargado se puede ir a 400 de azoth, siendo el cap 1000.
- Questear con amigos está poco pulido, cuando es una mision de matar un bicho y luego quitarle la piel la kill cuenta a los dos pero la piel no.
- Demasiados bugs, el pvp instanciado está gateado para niveles altos pero se tarda MUCHISIMO en subir de nivel.
- La casa de subastas está mal. Hay servers en los que no puedes comprar un monton de cosas porque no las hay y otros en los que estas cosas están tiradas de precio porque hay demasiadas.

Con 6 meses más de desarrollo el juego puede estar bien, yo lo seguiré jugando a ratos a ver si subo al 60 pero la verdad es que acaba cansando un poco. Dicho esto, van casi 40h y pagué 40€ tampoco considero que haya tirado el dinero.

Tras 12 horas más, el leveo se me hace muy MUY tedioso. Además hay mucha gente exploiteando, la economía esta rota salvo wipe. No creo que lo vuelva a tocar.
Posted 23 October, 2021. Last edited 1 November, 2021.
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18.8 hrs on record
El juego es bastante entretenido, al principio puede resultar algo complicado, pero con modificadores y en cuanto desbloqueas habilidades se hace algo más fácil... hasta New Game+, donde los bosses tienen habilidades nuevas .

Lo he estado jugando con un par de colegas y lo recomiendo sin problemas.
Posted 8 September, 2020.
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44.8 hrs on record (35.2 hrs at review time)
A veces los controles no responden muy allá. El juego está divertido con amigos pero hay demasiados chetos.
Posted 8 September, 2020.
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505.1 hrs on record (398.9 hrs at review time)
Tengo el rocket desde que salió, juego ocasionalmente pero personalmente le juego me parece frustración tras frustración.
Soy diamante 3 en 2v2 ( no juego 1v1) y estoy hasta el gorro de perder las partidas ajustadas por el netcode del juego, que básicamente convierte un montón de choques y rebotes en impredecibles, tanto de la pelota como entre los propios coches.

Eso sin nombrar todo el fiasco de cambiar los items por planos, para exprimir y sacar más dinero a la playerbase. Por mi parte le pueden dar al juego, no vuelvo a tocarlo. Tengo un octane blanco que ya ni puedo intercambiar y no puedo venderlo en el mercado de steam porque no lo tienen implementado.

El juego es divertido pero no cuando juegas contra gente a 100 de ping. Las partidas se vuelven bastante menos jugables cuando hay un player de playstation, no se si bajan tickrate o que pero un chusco.

Actualizo esta review tras otras 55 h de juego: El juego sigue dando asco, perder partidas por rebotes de mierda en choques contra rivales, revientas a alguien y te para en seco (entonces por que le he explotado???). Está bien si quieres jugar casual, si pretendes ser competitivo esto es una mierda, sobretodo cuando te ponen con gente de ps4 que meten unos desync cuando se comen bolas de la leche.

Re-actualizo: Vaya mierda de juego y de compañia. Añaden una movida para intercambiar cosas, y resulta que ni te avisa cuando seleccionas algo que tienes marcado como favorito, asi que te tienes que pensar cada uno de los 500 items que mezclas. A todo esto, el juego es una mierda. Servers que te dan ping otros que no. Matchmaking super desbalanceado. Recientemente he subido a champion 1, jugando 2v2, mi compañero diamante 3 y nos ponen contra diamantes 1 y cosas asi. Le sumas que se lo ha llevado epic a su store, y ya pues tienes la diarrea junta. p.d.: Ni se te ocurra decir macaco, aunque sea por el video de marge simpson dando escobazos al mono, que te cae ban.

Joder que mierda de juego de verdad
Posted 27 April, 2020. Last edited 2 May, 2021.
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43.0 hrs on record
After doing the game 100% and unlocking every single achievement, i feel like i can finally make a review of it.

I will list my pros and cons and then make a small comentary about it:

+ Game is very polished, and i did not feel like i was getting BS killed as it happened sometimes with the Dark Souls games.
+ Combat is more dynamic than any of the Dark Souls, and also more than bloodborne.
+ It has a story you can follow without reading 400 item descriptions.
+ "Bonfires" at bosses door makes it far more entertaining, as it allows you to fight them full HP and items, so you can play more agro, and it's also a LOT less infuriating when you die.
+ Graphics are really beautiful. I wish i had a monitor over 1080p to play this.
+ Defeating some bosses for the first time feels like a real achievement, not crappy "ez mechanics" like Storm Ruler on DS3.
+ Customizable controls!
+Had way less "♥♥♥♥ it im leaving it here" with this game than with any other fromsoftware title.

- Once you get the parry system, it's more of a walk than anything else to be honest.Combining NG+ and NG++ i only died to bosses 3 times, doing the two longest endings, and one of them was because i ran out of battery on my controller.
- It only took me 42 hours to unlock every single achievement and complete 4 runs (from ng to ng+++).
- Although you have a lot of prosthetic tools and upgrades, and habilities at your disposal, if you learn to parry almost every single one of them is rendered useless.
- Capped at 60 fps (you can mod this tho).
- You get the mortal blade but then only use it to finish some enemies and with 2 habilities, feels like a useless sword
- Not having attributes other than ATK (hp has a cap you can reach on your first playthrough), and the fact that some prosthetic tools get no use, make it a bit disappointing to fight same bosses over and over for nothing. Also no exclusive content to ng+. A bit of more RPG customization would have been okay imo.
-Developers are fixing weird skips you wont ever find on your first playthrough, and that were really useful to skip some dialogs Folding monkeys skip, otherwise you would have to talk to Tengu/isshin 4 times. Bull fight skip, easy boss but boring (3 different attacks all easily parriable...)

Overall, i liked the game, and i would buy it again. Maybe not at full price but for 40€ its a must buy. Not as many gameplay time like Dark souls 2 and 3 had, because of the lack of pvp and ng+ exclusive content but the single player experience it's, in my opinion, a lot better.

One of the things i highly recommend if you come from Dark Souls is to change the Y button with Gamepad Up, feels a lot better for me at least.

If i had to give numeric scores:
·Overall: 8/10
·Difficulty: 9/10 until you learn to parry and evade, then 6.5/10.
·Graphics: 9/10
·Replayability: 7/10. After you make all 4 endings, only thing left its modding or speedruning which developers seem to be against due to skip fixes. I only rate it 7/10 because of the 4 endings, only 1 is longer enough to be considered "different".
Posted 1 May, 2019. Last edited 25 May, 2019.
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113.9 hrs on record (113.9 hrs at review time)
I bought this game when it came out back in 2012. At first the game was nice, buggy af sometimes but it was fun.

Now if you try to get in, everything its full of 3k hours virgins that spam rainbows and ♥♥♥♥♥ that are only possible because the whole fighting system is broken and can be exploited easy as ♥♥♥♥.

When you buy this and get into a lvl 0 -15 server u will have fun. THen when you can play with lvl 50 3.5k hours on just one class you realise the game is ♥♥♥♥. Some of the weapons you have already unlock will randomly lock again. And some won't even unlock ever no matter what you do.

Also people is usually ♥♥♥♥ as ♥♥♥♥. So fun getting on a server with 5 lvl 40+ and 2 lowies, and see how all the high level guys go just for the kills on the lowies and dont even fight between them.

At least they dont make more paid dlc helmets anymore.
Posted 23 November, 2018.
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32.9 hrs on record
Just completed the game at 32 hours. To be honest i rushed it quite a bit, still, i feel like i must write a review.

First of all, I'm not an old time gamer of this genre, only other similars JRPG ive played are FFVII crisis core (PSP FFVII, not the PS1 one) and Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so I'm not used to these kind of games and some of my observations may be obvious to you.

-Cool History and cool characters.
-There are a lot of combos and artes available, and a decent amount of characters to play with, each with unique skills and combos.
-Looks/equipment are different categories, so you can keep a look you like when you change your armor set. Weapons change looks when you change them tho (but imo this is great).
-i haven't seen any ecchi or sexual jokes which i usually find on these types of games and kinda kills off the game for me (because i leave to fap and after it i usually go sleep and stop playing till next day)
-The VA is pretty decent (i play english version of the game)
- I rushed the game, and there are some places, equipment and stuff i haven't complete that could take me another 30 hours or more easily. Also there is an option for new game + available.

-Although graphics are decent, sometimes maps are big yet they feel somewhat empty (there could be more trees, and maybe non attackable npcs like squirrels and that stuff). Also a bit of bloom and blur could make the game look way better, but characters look very neat anyway.
- There are some maps/history missions where you just spend too much time roaming in order to do a "map puzzle" and it feels unnecessary sometimes, as they are utterly easy and just make you lose time and kind of lose the history stage you where at.
-Although the combat is decent, some times enemies have way too much life and you just keep spamming the optimal combo for that type of enemy and that on the long run tires your fingers.

In resume:
A good JRPG, with a cool story, but maybe the amount of time spent roaming may be too much for some tastes. Combat is cool and character design and history is pretty good imo.

If i had to give this game a numeric score it would be about a 75/100.
As a reference, i would rate Xenoblade Chronicles 2 at a consistent 92/100.

I would recommend this game at least for the price i paid for it. Bought it on a sale for 15€.
Posted 18 June, 2018. Last edited 7 July, 2018.
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326.0 hrs on record (271.5 hrs at review time)
Actualizado 14/01/2018.

El juego es entretenido. El problema es que la mitad de las veces mueres por su pésima programación, su rendimiento de mierda o sus servidores que van peor que mal.

Si este juego sale como está sin pasar por early access, se hunde en menos de una semana. La cantidad de bugs que hay es abrumadora, la sensación de estar jugando algo inacabado es brutal. Hace dos meses la gente lo excusaba porque estaba en "beta" pero ahora el juego sigue igual (bueno, hay vaulting que creo que es lo unico un poco decente del juego), pero el rendimiento sigue siendo patetico, el lag es brutal a veces, a veces mueres mientras andas por una llanura porque el juego se cree que acabas de caer de un rascacielos. Además cuando le apetece al juego decide que hay cosas que no van a hacer ruido, ya sea un buggy un pavo corriendo encima de una superficie metálica... Esto viniendo del cs, se hace super frustrante ya que es como jugar con un sentido menos.

Además últimamente hay un nuevo problema. Los chinos, están en todos putos lados, es normal que haya más chetos, cuanta más gente jugando si hay más chetos buscando partida mas normal es que los metan en la tuya. Pero lo de que con lo mal que está hecha la interpolación en este juego, pueda jugar gente en servidores que no son de su region, es lamentable. Da muchísimo asco y rabia cuando alguien te mata cuando ya te has escondido detras de un muro, y no por los pelos, sino estando a metro y pico de la esquina de turno.

No me arrepiento de haberlo comprado, ya que las horas que le he echado no me las quita nadie. Pero si ahora tuviese que comprarlo otra vez no lo compraria. A ver si saca o cualquier otro desarrollador decente un Battle Royale bien hecho, y lo único que queda del pubg es su recuerdo como uno de los mayores mojones a nivel de programación de la historia de los videojuegos.

Con el dinero que ganan podrían molestarse en dejar el puto juego terminado. A blizzard con el diablo 3 le dieron por culo por mucho menos. Y a estos les tragan todo cuando son una beta.
Posted 21 November, 2017. Last edited 13 January, 2018.
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