California, United States
My name is Colin Campbell. My friends call me "Soup" because of my last name, and I have fully embraced my fake heritage. I am a thirty something year old video production specialist from Southern California.
I stream sometimes
Twitch []

I play retro games sometimes
RetroAchievements []

I achievement hunt sometimes
Completionist []
Astats []
SteamHunters []
Exophase []

I share my rig specs sometimes
i7-8700k @ 3.7GHz | GeForce 1070 | 32GB DDR4 2747MHz
(...she's getting old.)
Mass Effect™ Legendary Edition
WoW - Burning Crusade - Black Temple - Illidan
總時數 124 小時
最後執行於 3 月 25 日
成就進度   48 / 57
總時數 11.5 小時
最後執行於 3 月 24 日
成就進度   17 / 30
總時數 18 小時
最後執行於 3 月 22 日
SoccerChiken 2023 年 5 月 3 日 上午 3:23 
This is a really cool page