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0.0 hrs on record
The boss fight is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
First encounter is better
Posted 21 October, 2021.
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2.1 hrs on record
Really like the art style
Posted 29 November, 2020.
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3.2 hrs on record
The game is good. It's really cheap too when it's on sale. My only complain would be the AI, it's not very good
Posted 24 November, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.7 hrs on record
Only liked the music and art.
Even though I really tried to like the characters (specially the main) I just can't stand her, she's so annoying and arrogant (although I understand her ways of thinking and her morals, I can't stand her reactions, they're really childish for me, and I know she's 14 you don't need to tell me).
Also, the whole concept of an interventionist reality didn't appeal to me.
If you like that kind of science fiction I say go for it.
Posted 19 November, 2014.
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9 people found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record
The only information i had about this game prior to playing it was that it was set on the future, included robots disguising themselves as humans and thus, included moral views on the use of robots.
"Cool, just like in Blade Runner". I said
I was so wrong.
Before you read any further let me say that i've already forgotten the names of most characters
so, we start with the introduction of the game:
"You are a generic american soldier who, with the help of teams from France, UK, China and the help from your bff, is tasked with infiltrating the Japanese government (who are now isolationists [again]) in order to investigate the company of the second biggest manufacturer of robots in the world (Amano? Amaso? something like that) because he is suspect of developing a type of robot that can pass itself as a human (like replicants, cool) and the impersonation is so uncanny even the robots themselves are not aware of it.
"I like the sound of that" I said
So, after you are given this briefing you start the game on what looks to be a stealth mission in order to infiltrate Japan.
That sounds completely reasonable and justified, and i completely got in the mood for it to be a steath/action shooter, but that feeling wouldn't last for long because Binary Domain quickly takes the first opportunity to focus solely in being an action shooter.
--Examples of gameplay are as follows:
We have to go to that place SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT
Oh my god we have to go through the sewers but lets not do that silently at all! Let's not put a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ silencer into our weapons so that enemies can't hear us!
So we got though the sewers! you know what's a good idea? Let's all go come out of the sewers on plain sigh! WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE US!! MARVELOUS!! THAT'S EXACTLY HOW COVERT OPS ARE DONE, TOTALLY!!
So this game that could have been a really good experience turns out being a mediocre generic action game with unnecesary gameplay mechanics and a forced and clichéd "romance" between male mc and strong but sensible female.
What unnecesary gameplay mechanics, you say? Well, i talk about the whole voice command thing of course!
"This game has a voice recognition software that helps you issue commands for your team, so this really inmerses the player and makes a game more tactical-based"---The guy who sells this mechanic
"Wow, that sounds awesome"---Everyone who hears about it for the first time
"It really its awesome and enjoyable"---Said no one ever
If this mechanic could have been just turned off and have no repercussions on the game then i'd have overlooked it, but even if you don't want to have a microphone on you everytime you play this game, after you disable this function you still have to bring an special menu everytime you want to issue an order or answer a question from one of your teammates.
The biggest issue is that the questions are moronic (and make me feel i'm in an episode of dora the explorer) and the reason they exist is moronic as well.
"Ugh I'm dying here dude, can you give me a spare medkit?"
"What? you don't like that i said that i don't like puppies so you're leaving me to die? WELP! i guess i deserved that!"
That doesn't even make sense!
--Example question by teammate
Wow dawg, that was really a harsh fight, what do you think about it?
A).-No problem
As a final note, i couldn't get my microphone to work with the game, only detected 2 of all of the commands (it was an old mic though).
But i don't really worry about it, i mean, it's not like i wanted to use the mic to tell my in-game team that i don't want to date a fifteen year old (THAT IS AN ACTUAL QUESTION, LIKE, WHAT THE HELL MAN)
Posted 3 July, 2014.
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