Space Sense
It may seem odd that we do not appear to have a sense that tells us where in space we are positioned. You can look at things external to you to know that you are where you are, and not a short distance away from where you are. But close your eyes and you will see that you cannot feel the difference. But this is only because your position in space is changing so unimaginably fast, by the spinning of the earth, the orbit of the earth around the sun, the orbit of the solar system around the galaxy, and the movement of the galaxy through space. Your position is changing so rapidly it is a constant bombardment of white noise to your space sense, and so, your brain filters it out as to not become overwhelmed. But if you close your eyes, and pay very close attention, you can feel a slight tingling in your body, this is the feeling of you flying through space at trillions of miles per hour.
Dust Dimension
What if, every time a piece of material detached from a larger body to become what we would call dust, instead of falling to the floor, requiring vacuuming, it was teleported to another dimension. Imagine this dimension. A landscape made of tiny pieces, crumbs and flakes of fabric, food and skin. The landscape extends beyond the horizon. A loose ground, who knows how deep after all this time. Once in a trillion times however, a person will disappear instead, leaving behind, only a single piece of dust.
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