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Recent reviews by Alabaster Jones

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193.5 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
So far I've managed to play for 20 or so minutes, the rest of the time I've been in various queues that has errored out on me as soon as I've come close to being allowed in. I do not recommend buying this game before some of the hype dies down.
Posted 29 September, 2021.
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42.7 hrs on record (21.3 hrs at review time)
So let me just jump straight to my issue with Vermintide 2.

The game is far too easy. I've played all left for dead games, I played V1 and I've allways felt like they've provided enough challange for me to keep playing, with everything that entails; getting killed and by trial and error progressing through the maps, but this game just lacks this, and it's because of one thing and one thing only, the fact that the higher difficulty levels are locked behind an arbitrary gear score that increases with the gear you get from leveling up and completing maps. So if you have any experience with playing the aforementioned games on a higher diffuclty level you will have compelted most of the maps before you get enough gear score to play with a harder setting and when you've actually unlocked the next level, you will have gear good enough to cope with this new level, so it will basically be like restarting on level 1.

What I'm used to with these kinds of games is having a horde spawning on me and me and my teammates going "oh ♥♥♥♥" and start figuring out how to best deal with this new threat that just spawned, but in this game; a horde is nothing more than a dynasty warriors-esque hack and slash, it doesn't threaten you, we don't need to adapt strategically to beat it, you just walk forwards and pummel everything down with ease and that's just not what I expect. The same goes with the special units, they've great design behind them and I can tell what the devs wanted to achieve, but they just lack the punch for them to be more than a mild annoyance, if you have a decently coordinated team, the special units will be dead before they can do whatever's special with them.

So, do I recommend this game? If you've got plenty of experience playing L4D and V1 on the hardest difficulty levels and you want to play this game at that level right away, I don't recommend it to you. I've currently played around 11 hours and I've yet to unlock the third highest level of difficulty. If you are however looking for a casual game that you want to just have as something to use to blow off steam with, this will be a great one.

Give us the option to play the game at the hardest difficulty levels right from the start, don't tailor the game to people who never experienced this type of game, tailor it to the players that keep coming back to them.
Posted 10 March, 2018.
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638.4 hrs on record (50.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great concept for the game, I'd recommend it to anyone desperate for a KOTK-experience that's not KOTK, the game is VERY simillar in everything, but with slightly more features, including:

  • You drop from a plane, so your choice of where to start is more varied and personalized.
  • There are more weapons, a lot more cusomizability to said weapons
  • In my opinion, a better map
  • Somewhat destrucable terrain (fences and minor stuff like that)
  • Usable water (boats, swimming)

For anyone who is not desperate for another one of these games, I would stray away from buying this title at it's current state, it has very poor service and every 3-4 games will be rendered unplayable because of this (rubber-banding and just general lagginess, and that's coming from someone running on a 100/100 fiber line.) The game runs fairly poorly on my somewhat high-end computer, hardly ever reaching 60 FPS out in the wild, and slugs down to 35-ish in town. Also alot of the animations looks like garbage, some of the player models do too

Want to clarify that I'm one of the "desperate" people, who really wanted a new H1Z1, and as a replacement for that it works really well, but if you are aren't like a 100% you'd enjoy the game, I would wait for some of the bugs and issues mentioned here and in other reviews to be resolved before investing in it. I have no doubt it will be a better game than KOTK if the issues gets fixed.
Posted 25 March, 2017. Last edited 27 March, 2017.
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0.1 hrs on record
best game buy 10/10
Posted 25 November, 2016.
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87.8 hrs on record
this game is ♥♥♥♥ dont get it
Posted 26 November, 2014.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 entries