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12件中 11-12 を表示
総プレイ時間:51.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:14.5時間)
*** EDIT (2021) ***
Looks like there is still life in this game after all. Have been playing since the new updates and it looks like much of what was originally there has been nerfed but this seems better optimised than my last review and more playable. switch back to a recommended review.

*** EDIT (2020) ***
So, checking back after so many years to see this has been abandoned by the Devs, I'm switching to a thumbs down. Even No Mans Sky was able to redeem itself. This is just sad. Devs probably spent all their earnings and ran out of interest. This is another reason not to support EA games until they're finally cooked. Shame on the devs for still charging money for this game.

*** Original Review (2016) ***
It scratches the itch left behind from the NoMansSky debacle.
I’ve only played single player so far. It’s “The Martian”(film) meets ARK. Can be a little clunky feeling at times.
Moody atmosphere, especially at night. Can get a little creepy with things lurking in the dark.
Given enough support, this game could be polished into a nice gem.
4 potatoes out of 5.
投稿日 2016年9月29日. 最終更新日 2023年11月11日
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Okay, so I have 4 hours on record. the first 2 of those were spent trying to log into servers the first day on Steam.

The remaining 2 hours were spent in game and having tried it I feel I can give a more honest opinion. I still wouldn't recommend this game.

I basically spent my time feeding my character blackberries, (can only ever get to 99% satisfied, then starts to count down immediately)

For a supposed open expansive map, I kept running into people even in the most remote locations.

The controls are clunky feeling. When mousing over objects it doesn’t always highlight it. You basically run around hitting the E key repeatedly until you grab a bunch of sticks and berries (without knowing exactly which you may get) picking berries fills my inventory with branches. I have to eat one berry at a time, can’t just eat them all and be done with it.

After an hour, I finally found a hatchet. (I kept avoiding populated areas because it was too easy to get killed by someone who was resupplied with an airdrop.) I used the hatchet to cut down a tree and it immediately crashed to desktop. (I get it, its early access) which brings me to my next point.


I thought this was supposed to be F2P... but no, I had to drop 20 bucks to play what will supposedly one day be Free to Play. Charging for EA of a F2P game just for the privilege of playing an uncooked game seems really dodgy I’ll admit. But then finding out that on top of it, it’s a Play to Win game. That for me was the clincher.

The whole thing just smacks of greed and poor judgment on the part of the Devs. I would rather see my cash go to developers that are more forthright about their intentions. I know they’re backtracking and claiming that in some small interview months ago they mentioned there would be paid airdrops, but honestly they were not up front about this in the least; and this will backfire on them and their reputations. Gamers are a fickle crowd and the success for this game hinges on word of mouth.

For me, the whole idea of pay to win goes against the philosophy of a survival game and creates two classes of players no matter how its tweaked. It reveals that developers don’t really “get” what a survival game means to those who are real fans of this genre of gaming. This structure pits the “Haves” (those willing to chip in for micro transactions) versus the “Have Nots” (those who choose to grind it out in the game looking for resources). If I grind away for an hour, crafting a bow and arrow, just to be killed by a someone who airdropped a shotgun to themselves, it reveals a severe lack of understanding on what creates a pleasurable, level gaming experience for the gamer.

This lack of foresight on the part of the developers shows that they're focused more on the micro transaction nature of the PlaySation Network than designing an excellent zombie survival game. They obviously don’t really play any other survival/exploration/crafting/zombie games and are not interested in creating anything other than a Pinball machine from the get go.

They have little regard for the PC gamer when they expect said gamer to pay 20 bucks for an early access game that is replete with P2W gamers running around offing each other like a COD Fragfest.

To their credit, they are offering refunds FOR THE FIRST WEEKEND ONLY, so BUYERS BEWARE!

I intend to take advantage of this offer and will consider returning when the game truly is free to play.

If I choose to grind away at my survival just to get knocked off by some Kiddy with daddy’s VISA, at least I didn’t drop 20 bucks for the privilege to do so.
投稿日 2015年1月15日. 最終更新日 2015年1月17日
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12件中 11-12 を表示