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0.0 hrs on record
I'm honestly not sure where to start with this. We'll start with the product itself then move onto the more 'worrying' aspects.

We can't start too negatively, the model itself is fairly decent. It's nothing to run home about but it works. Scripting wise, yes it moves when you press the throttle and brake's when you press the brake(even if it's more sensitive then the developer itself.)

Now onto the negatives, now take a seat as there's plenty to go through. Let's start with the sounds. Now to be as polite as possible, they're awful. The idle sound is pretty ok but everything after that is just wrong. I've been on enough solo's to get a good idea of what they should sound like. However V3D seems to have mistake a Solo for a Ford Transit. Sounds are arguably the most important thing after the model. But they were clearly rushed and not up to the standards of SP & MS. The features that the bus comes with are another letdown. Only featuring 2 variants of the bus, 1 ticket machine, 1 seat type and no assault screen. Another letdown was the inclusion of Kruger. Now I don't have a issue with Kruger normally, when it's on a free bus, from 2016. When you're expected to pay £13.55 for a bus to come with less features then alot of free buses, there's a issue somewhere. Aswell, the controllers for these are just taken from the Spectra(or whatever V3D has decided to call it this week) - yet you can't use the rollblinds from the Spectra in the Solo, and its made by the same person!

Now, the price is well, far too expensive. If it was say £5 then i'd be able to forgive most of these issues. But for £13 it's simply unacceptable to buy this bus.

Now, when you release a product. People will give feedback. These people are your customers, the things you need to survive. However when met with feedback, V3D and his "team" decided to attack anyone and everyone. When the issue of the awful sounds were raised. The response was "just record your own". These people paid for your product and you're telling people to fix the issues that you don't want to fix. Same with any additional features, you get told to model your own. Now, there's another worrying aspect. One of his "team" made a review saying "The people leaving reviews are providing false information" and "If you dont like it you dont have to buy it". Now its slightly misleading when a member of his team is giving a positive review getting people to ignore reviews. Now there's also allegations of people being given the product for free and giving reviews which if true, is disgusting.

All in all, i was looking forward to this release. However, like the Tory government in 2022, it's been a expensive and messy time for all involved. If you want a bus, go buy the Veiling, Renown, or look into some european buses. Good option personally is the Setra s319ul, same amount of features but free. Or if you really need a V3D fix, get the E200MMC, again for free, and get the Enhancement mod. Don't give your money to these lot.
Posted 17 December, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
How do i even start? Wow.

Driving the map is one of the first times I've actually felt immersed in OMSI. Everything is placed for a reason. No road is too tight, no object placed just because it can be. Everything has a place and it makes for a great driving experience. The routes that come with the map are designed to be a mixture of long and short routes - something for everyone here!

The map as-well is one of the first to add little features to make you think your actually there. These include things like little Radio messages for diversions and other little messages. There are plenty of other things but i can ruin the surprises can i?

If you only decide to buy 1 DLC for OMSI - make sure its this. You won't regret it.
Posted 6 November, 2021.
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