Join My Comments. I Dare You 16. apr. 2024 kl. 19.15 
If a group of people have issues with you and your friends, there's a reason for that and it will revolve around you children. Take a look in the mirror and try to see for yourself what you're doing first that is annoying the rest of the world and you will learn to think for yourself :D
δ 10. apr. 2024 kl. 18.16 
Sky is the SSL Furry Clan Leader that allows for his comments thread to be a messaging board for butthurt people to come and air grievances about Juni or whoever the hell.
Junizzle 10. apr. 2024 kl. 15.32 
Poor sky getting spammed out. I’ll stop now mr furry clan leader
Junizzle 10. apr. 2024 kl. 15.31 
Bro thinks I’m actually 13. Comments aren’t off it’s friends only. And u spam rejoined which is why I told you to ♥♥♥♥ off. U were kicked once. Take a hint. Not rejoin thinking I’m gonna let you stay. Also it’s like u said. It’s a game. So why u taking it to heart so much I told you to ♥♥♥♥ off?
Bryan 10. apr. 2024 kl. 3.50 
@Junizzle I didnt spam rejoining, because I stopped after I realised I couldnt get in and there was no point in trying. I just wanted a reasoning as to why you were kicking me, and your response was '♥♥♥♥ off'. In the real world, that would get you fired from a job, or cause someone to punch you up. But what would you know of the real world, youre an immature kid whos parents have probably spoilt you rotten and protected you your entire life.

And again, the only reason Im here and not on your own page asking this, is because your comments are turned off. Which, presumably, is to do with the fact your immaturity online has probably given you a lot of backlash from people.

One day, when you are grown up, youll realise how childish you were back then. Repetitively kicking someone from a lobby because you had a previous negative interaction with someone and your ego couldnt take facing that again.
Junizzle 10. apr. 2024 kl. 2.33 
I don’t wanna talk it out. I have u muted cus you’ve either said or done somat I didn’t like. U call me childish for not wanting to associate with people I’ve not had a good interaction with before. Yet spam rejoining a lobby you are being kicked from isn’t childish? Make it make sense. Must have really hurt you being kicked for you to come and complain to someone else about it