Skhalt Morkenson
Quentin Biset   Lille, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Your shuttle approaches the Exorcist-class Grand Cruiser "Eternal Vigilante", the flagship of House Morkenson. Your pilot exchanges a few words with its landing officer. Clearance is granted, and an armor plate slides on the flank of the simple yet elegant starship, revealing a large flight bay. You can feel the static in your hair as your shuttle crosses the void shield. Docking clamps secure your ship with a loud thump, and your security harness disengages. After a quick nod of thanks to your pilot, you walk down the boarding ramp and into the bay.

On your left, a dozen Fury starfighters are being inspected and consecrated by a procession of techpriests. On your right, a number of crewmen are unloading cargo from a couple of retrofitted guncutters, with the help of a few heavy-lifting servitors. A small, smiling man, escorted by four armsmen wearing the livery of House Morkenson, greets you with a formal bow:

"Welcome aboard the Eternal Vigilante, sir. I am Hugo Vignas, Lord Skhalt's seneschal. He asked me to offer his apologies for not greeting you in person, but matters demand his immediate attention in the Enginarium. If you would follow me to the lounge, the Lord-Captain will meet you there as soon as possible."
Hugo/LaQuille 2014年6月7日 4時04分 
Mais non, c'est du JEU DE RÔLE. On s'asseoit, on mange des chips et on boit des bières, et on prétend qu'il se passe un truc en plus. Fort !
Skhalt Morkenson 2014年5月27日 3時17分 
Beh, ya rien du tout là. T'aurais au moins pu faire un dessin en ASCII ou un truc du genre !
Hugo/LaQuille 2014年5月26日 11時57分 
Il manque un truc à ce mur. *dessine son effigie en baguettes*
Hugo/LaQuille 2012年11月1日 7時59分 
Taggez le mur de Schmalt, débloquez un badge !
Scaven 2012年10月31日 13時18分 
c'était pour débloquer un badge :) (pilier de la communauté)
Skhalt Morkenson 2012年10月31日 13時01分 
Mais cet homme est fou! Arrêtez ce testeur fou!