The Pounding Fathers
I'm that guy
Quotes from friends:
Frostbite704: " My skin is like a flame in yon."
Skegy: "Fight fire with fire."
Rujumpin: "#Instagay"
Ralcoren:" 2spooky4you m8"

Random statements:
Shrek is love, shrek is life.
Ball is life
Swig my swag
Rujumpin > me
Pecan Pie
Shout out to all the pears.
Everyone doesn't see the Grand Canyon right only Garcia Lopez de Cardena sees it right.

rujumpin 2023 年 9 月 3 日 下午 7:06 
Surprisingly delicious. Wasn't sure that the brazil nuts would be good but what a brilliant idea encasing them in choc so they retain their freshness, Only complaint. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH IN THE BAG LOL

Harry, Pompano Beach, Florida
rujumpin 2023 年 6 月 1 日 下午 5:58 
My Mother Says They Are Addictive. She Moved The Bag Across The Room To Keep From Getting Into Them All The Time..[she is 81]a

Gary, Greenwood, SC
rujumpin 2023 年 6 月 1 日 下午 5:57 
These are the freshest, plumpest peanuts sold anywhere. I'm not surprised - EVERYTHING you sell is the freshest and most delicious available from any seller. I'm such a fan!
Myra, Hollywood, FL
rujumpin 2023 年 6 月 1 日 下午 5:56 
I Had no idea just how lame and stale the mixed nuts at the grocery store are. Wow. Bless you,

Stephen, Saint Louis, MO
rujumpin 2022 年 6 月 7 日 下午 2:30 
Raw, unsalted nuts - what could be better? These arrived fresh, and I love the resealable, recyclable packaging.
Michael, Delta Junction, AK
rujumpin 2022 年 6 月 7 日 下午 2:29 
I love Nuts and have had all kinds of combinations but the best are Raw Nuts. I heard good thing about so I decided to order. I am very happy these nuts are fresh and they are actually raw. I love just the simple combination of nuts you can taste and feel the different textures. My bag is half gone already and I only had them a couple of days. Yes I would recommend these Raw nuts and now I'll be looking to try other combinations of nuts from ,, you all did good!!!

Simone, Chicago, IL