Shawn   Ontario, Canada
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JupitersProdigy 24 ott 2014, ore 18:57 
something something for a badge:warhorse:
PlagueofMidgets 5 ott 2014, ore 13:50 
Have you played Red Orchestra 2? It would be a good team game.
ChimiChango 2 feb 2013, ore 16:34 
Alright, I'll most likely be getting it on launch on steam and then I'll give you my honest opionion whether or not it's worth the purchase.
SKBull 2 feb 2013, ore 16:08 
I've been following the game for a long time. I've been waiting so long that I've lost some interest. If the game turns out to be really good, I'll pick it up.
ChimiChango 28 gen 2013, ore 12:09 
you should get Alien Colonial Marines on PC. You, 360, pigs and I could do some co op when it releases