Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 5.2 год. загалом
Додано: 29 груд. 2024 о 3:51
Оновлено: 29 груд. 2024 о 3:51

Genuinely fun metroidvania with 3D platformer elements and retro aesthetics. The whole game feels like some sort of lost N64-PS1 demo but with decent controls. It's a weird comparison but really accurate to how the game feels to me, I adore this retro atmosphere and it's impressive when the game is purposely made like this without feeling artificial. The level design is so much fun, I got 75% of the game done without the map because I accidentally skipped it and I was not feeling too lost. Even though I'd enjoy some improvements like achievements and more dialogues, I kinda like the unfinished aesthetic, it's very unique. The ending is a bit lame but again it is fitting, I really have nothing more to say, it's a really odd but effective experience.
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