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Nedávné recenze uživatele Perfectly Avarage Simpire

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1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
79.5 hodin celkem (22.5 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game is amazing. It's absolute chaos, everyone screws over everyone, and you'll especially get screwed by RNG.
I haven't had a single game without someone saying something allong the lines of "I hate this game" and I absolutely love it.
It's pure anarchy and chaos and it's the perfect party game.
It might look a bit overwhelming when you first get into it but the game is extremely simple when you get it.
My biggest problem is that the basic cast of characters feels a bit bland, but the DLC are quite cheap if you only get a few, so I would reccomend looking up the characters and buying a character pack with charcters that seem fun to play to you.
Odesláno 8. července 2021.
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129.6 hodin celkem (93.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Wargroove is a fantastic turn based tactics game by chucklefish with a lot to do.
For starters, this game is all about it's advanced wars and fire emblem inspired main gameplay with the game modes built around it.
The main story isn't that much to write home about but it's missions are fun challenges.
The gameplay is fantastic to play against others in fun and tense tactical play on various maps, and with different commanders that all shake up the flow of play.
Odesláno 1. července 2019.
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21.8 hodin celkem
(Although I bought the first episode on sale myself but got the other episodes from a friend) I'm going to start out by saying I've never played a resident evil game before but that I'm also not really a horror person so my opinions are completely seperated from any other resident evil games.

Resident evil revelations 2 has been a fun package so far and I'm still playing to do finish up achievements and I've barely touched raid mode although I have played a bit.
The entire main game is split between 2 parts of a story, one where you play as Claire and Moira trying find out why they are on the island, how to get off and how to stop what's going on whilst the other half you play as Barry and Natalia wanting to save moira and finding out about an enemy fimiliar to Barry with each episode having a bit of both, first Claire and Moira, then Barry and Natalia.

I quite like the gameplay, it's not super complex but it doesn't need to be. Most of the combat consist of shooting at enemies and dodging with some differences in what you encounter during Claire and Moira's part and Barry and Natalia's part.
As Claire and Moira ammo is often a bit tight but you'll only have to fight off against simple enemies for the most part. The lack of frequent ammo finds makes it important to preserve ammo for when you do have to face off against a more difficult enemy so for that you have moira's flashlight, as Moira can't use guns she uses her somehow mega bright item detecting flashlight to stun enemies by shining in their face giving Claire the opertunity to knock them down where Moira can then perform an excecution, her flashlight can also be used to find slightly less obvious items to stock up and a hidden collectable called Kafka Drawings.

When playing as Barry and Natalia you come better equiped and you find more ammo to face the enemies on the island and so you face a wider aray of enemies that require you to get to their weakspot and pump that full of lead. This time Barry has the guns AND flashlight, however for some reason it's not bright enough or something to reveal hidden images, items or stun monsters. But for not having that you have a small girl with you called Natalia that can use her short length to crawl trough small spaces that Barry can't get through. Natalia also has a special power where she can detect monsters through walls and see where their weakspot is located, she can also use her magic finger to point out where items are that you previously had to use Moira's flashlight for. When playing as Barry and Natalia you also sometimes encounter parts where you are able to stealth past enemies, sneaking up behind them and finishing them off with one quick execution.
For those who think of stealth sections in disgust, you have to note that stealthing is very much optional and there is no real penalty for just shooting them or even just running away besides from saving some health and ammo, and even then, I still recomend trying it as it's really not bad and I quite enjoyed sneaking around.

As for the story, it's a neat experience to experience with some questions arising early on with more along the way and a couple of twists as you alternate between the Claire and Moira story and the Barry and Natalia story that weave together eventually leading to a fun conclussion. And as someone who has never played any other resident evil games I can say that I was easily able to understand the story minus some parts like reoccuring names and stuff although you don't NEED to know those, it mostly makes it more interesting for people who have played the other games.

For the raid mode, the little I have played of it I played with a friend and we were having a blast the whole way through, it's a way more arcade-y shooter where you clear out the enemies but that's just the fun distraction some people need, it opens up more as you progress through the game and even has some things not present in the main game for added enjoyment.

Now there are of course some gripes I have with the game and I'd like to adress them here.
In the way of unlocking extras the game feels a bit unsatisfying to me as when you unlock something you don't actually get it, instead you get the ability to buy it with ingame points that you also use to upgrade your character which to me at least kindof undermines your acomplishments. Some enemies also felt WAY too tanky to me whilst being able to utterly obliterate you in 2 attacks like the Dhurlga you encounter at multiple points during Barry's parts and Mutant Pedro having way too hard to hit weakspots sometimes whilst having an instantkill attack where he rushes at you with his drill, it was way too easy too fall off the crane in barry's episode 4 and some parts send you back a bit too far when you died in my opinion. I also find it weird that there is online multiplayer in raid mode but the main story is local only.

Now to adress some problems I frequently see people talk about.
Yes, the game is episodic but when you buy the game with the 3 other episodes or get the deluxe edition it's still around the same price or even cheaper than some of the other games in the series. And to those who were angry about not buying a full game, they make it quite clear that this is just the first episode, both in the name, the about section and the DLC list.
You must also know that this isn't a full on horror game, besides from a couple of quick spooks for the unaware and some enemy designs I guess it really isn't so if pure horror is what you're looking for you might not like this. However, as an action game it's a fun experience with a slight amount of ammo management.

Concerning the price, If you're only planning to play through the story made and not touch it again I might suggest waiting until a sale to get it but if you take your time to try and go for the achievements and/or you sink some time in the arcade style fun that is raid mode with a friend you might be able to consider getting it even at full price.

All in all, I think this game is great fun and definitely worth picking up at least some time.
Odesláno 6. listopadu 2018. Naposledy upraveno 6. listopadu 2018.
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9.4 hodin celkem (6.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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Really fun and fast paced gameplay that feels very satisfying.
Bullet travel time and being able to hit other bullets adds a fun and unique layer to the gameplay.
I'd recommend you pick this game up.
Odesláno 6. května 2018.
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0.0 hodin celkem
Want to know how good this dlc is? look at the amount of negative reviews, at the time of wrighting this its 0. I'd would 100% still buy it if it costed money, it's that good, you also don't lose anything with getting this.
Odesláno 17. března 2017.
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96.8 hodin celkem (22.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
I absolutely love this game. I first saw the game demo on newgrounds and after the first update to make the demo different from the early acces I bought the game because I was impressed by the smooth combat, great enemy disign and a VERY high potential. I have never regretted buying this. The combat is still fluid and the new enemys that were added need a different aproach to effectively defeat and the inclusion of elements and party members add a bit more depth to combat.The game also looks gorgeous, the soundtrack is beautiful, dungeons and areas are disigned almost perfectly with dungeons being tricky and challenging and the outside areas are open and have enough to explore and discover. However, I feel like farjo desert is way to restricted unless you first find another rout to open another rout with many being the same rout with you just making shortcuts to get back on that rout even though I like what you have to do it still feels linear at first and the way routs are baricaded is wih just a blue wall wich feels realy uninspired in a desert were it's used a lot. I also feel like some dungeon rooms spawn way to many enemys at the same time like the room with a lot of times or the room with way to much crabs. besides those points I love everything else, the devs keep us inforemed and are showing that they are consstantly working on the game and the are showing a lot of promising content.
Odesláno 24. srpna 2016. Naposledy upraveno 24. srpna 2016.
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126.6 hodin celkem (40.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
At first I tought I wouldn't enjoy it but it's REALY addicting. You'll easely put alot of hours in it. It's fun to plan ahead on what you want to plant, fish or mine but it does sometimes feel like it's WAY to punishing if you die because combat is or, way to easy or way to hard and if it's hard it's not because of lack of skill but of allot of damage out of nowere. all in all I'd say it's a realy good game.
Odesláno 30. března 2016.
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6.0 hodin celkem (3.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Squishy is an amazingly well crafted puzzle platformer with some great puzzles and hard bosses. It's highly adictive, insanly hard and for the low low price of 99 cents and all of your sanity. Worth to money.
Odesláno 19. února 2016.
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It's completly awesome but for some reason my sticky note is weird. axample: I had all hardmode lost things done before afterbirth but some say it's completed as normal mode and the negative isn't even on here. and i unlocked platinum god for some reasen without having everything unlocked.
Odesláno 30. října 2015.
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8.9 hodin celkem (8.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This is an amazing game and for only 99 cents it's defenetly worth it. Great soundtrack, great gameplay, great puzzles but I think the achievements are the biggest puzzles and the best part. The game isn't that long but it's still REALY good.
Odesláno 3. července 2015. Naposledy upraveno 24. listopadu 2016.
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