Matt   New Zealand
woof woof, grrrrr...
mr swanson 9 Jul, 2015 @ 2:51am 
bad dog no bad dog! you did whats this huh whats this? bad dog get get now get bad dog
[BOT] Grant (Dueling Mini-Game) 29 Aug, 2014 @ 9:52pm 
+rep Thank you for using ! Hope to trade with you again soon!
Demon Cyborg 9 Jun, 2013 @ 6:58pm 
StAlK3r 23 Apr, 2013 @ 9:51pm 
Hello AoE2 HD OZ Clan Member

Come join our clan website if you are not a member as yet!!
StAlK3r 12 Apr, 2013 @ 12:50am 
Hello MIDDIES FOR SANTAN new Clan Member (AoE2 HD OZ Clan),

Welcome aboard to AoE2 HD OZ Clan, I just first wanted to say thank you for joining and I hope you enjoy the Clan and I believe everyone's input will allow our Clan to evolve & grow.

Secondly I wanted to add that we are hosting our first Teamspeak meeting on the 20th of April at 9pm Adelaide time/9.30pm for Eastern States. We hope you can make it to meet and greet and discuss Rules, what you guys want, tournaments, competitions etc etc

We will also be looking to recruit, admins etc over the coming weeks to also administer and take care of the Clan Groups aswell.

Welcome aboard and please do not hesitate to inviting other members who are genuine AoE @ HD players to consider joining our clan also also don't forget to add as a FRIEND also :)

With regards, Maximus Dexius

Teamspeak: server: & channel: AoE2HDozClan
email: [email protected]
oranginal 16 Nov, 2012 @ 6:59pm 
Why are you away til the 19th?