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Скорошни рецензии на Monzer

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You pee out poop.
Публикувана 28 юни 2019.
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11 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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2.4 изиграни часа
Basically paying 10 dollars for a flash game. The game can be beaten in 90 minutes and while there are "secret stuff" in the game, it's not enough to warrant a 10 dollar price tag. There are many, much better platformers you could buy with that money.

The game adds in new gimmicks but rarely uses them in interesting ways. The pen is almost always used to move in a straght line. The dash mechanic is only used three times in the entre game. The bosses are short and boring to the extent that they make the Koopalings look like Cuphead bosses. There's an upgrade system but it only surves to give superficial health/damage boosts (you can buy "special moves" too but they're so overpriced you aren't buying them in one playthrough).

Other than the standard fancy pants momentum physics the new mechanics lack depth. This is a shame because the actual platforming in the game is on point but it keeps on getting interupted by the poorly executed parts.

I'm fine with games adding mechanics but the ones in this game just weren't thought out too well. The prior Fancy Pants games included new mechanics as well (such as snail golf in Fancy pants 2), but they were non-intrusive and didn't interfere with the main game. The game isn't horrible and I enjoyed parts of it, but it's only good when it sticks to the fundamentals.

Overall it feels like the game expects you to play it multiple times to get your money's worth. While I can replay games that I really enjoyed or those that give good rewards for doing so, Fancy Pants' 4 is a mediocre game as is, and the rewards for re-playing it are purely superficial (such as new colors/hats).

I grew up with fancy pants and I'm sad to see their steam breakout be sub-par.
Публикувана 26 юни 2018. Последно редактирана 2 септември 2018.
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