Caesar   Mexico
Until they get to know the real you, people's stereotypes don't mean much. :yk2spirit:
Potato PC specs:
Gigabyte G24F 2 Monitor
Aorus B450 motherboard
Ryzen 5 3600x
AMD Radeon RX 6600 Sapphire Pulse
1 stick of 16 gigs of RAM at 2666hz (maybe up to 32 soon)
and a Broccoli figurine of Uni from the Neptunia series :3, a gift from my best friend :Uni:
~CS:GO/2 stuph~
Resolution: 1280x960 (4:3)
Graphics: ultra
Mouse sensitivity in game: 1.0
Mouse sensitivity Windows: 5
DPI: 1600
𝓈𝑜𝒻𝓎 29. Okt. um 21:54 
Este viejo depravado me acoso :steamsad: -rep
Jo 12. Okt. um 22:02 
Milfi UwU 17. Sep. um 2:18 
The sweetest and most empathetic person I've ever known 🩷🫂
♥ Emi ♥ 16. Juli um 21:30 
Burro cabezón :steammocking: juego peor en tu cuenta :steamfacepalm:
III ✿ 26. Apr. um 10:27 
Buena Persona hasta que fallecio atropellado por una bicicleta. Fue una de las mochilas mas pesadas de cs pero en fin asi termina esta historia Q.E.P.D
Ciberdemonio 26. Apr. um 2:35 
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