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Senaste recensioner av AngryMobster

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262.5 timmar totalt (8.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
possibly the single most worst survival game i have ever played, and i've played basically all of them, while the core idea's of the game is great, like the crafting, the lvling system, perks, ect, are all great, the ui looks like it was make by a very special person, the combat is the single most worst combat system i have ever played and glitchy as all hell, full of bugs......
Movement speed is waaayy to slow, the map is actually pretty small but the fact u run like a 120 year old man with a bad hip and horse's even with 950 speed seem like they are also only jogging it makes the map seem huge, the fact there is no oce server's and probably never will be like many other dumbass games, so enjoy 200-300 ping which makes u rubber band and also makes it pretty much impossible to win fight even against npc's due the the fact the lag glitch's the shield and they just hit you for full dmg even tho ya blocking. and even some attack that they do you don't even see the animation, they just stand there in front of you and you suddenly take dmg followed by them suddenly clipping into you. i want a refund.. this game will be dead within 2 months and would be dead alrdy if not for dumb streamers being paid to pretend to like the game and promote it. seriously if you like how this game perform's, you are seriously mentally ill, and need to see a doctor, as i said DEV'S... I WANT MY MONEY BACK... NOW.......... anyone that value's they're mental state, DO NOT, buy this game...
Upplagd 30 november 2021.
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