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2 people found this review helpful
95.3 hrs on record (47.3 hrs at review time)
One of the hardest survival games but also one of the most emblematic. By now everything in this game is iconic.
Posted 26 October, 2024.
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51.9 hrs on record (51.3 hrs at review time)
One of the best survival games out there. If you push the difficulty to the maximum, it's a real challenge, literally hell for any casual player, but a paradise for fans of survival games.
Posted 26 October, 2024.
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26.7 hrs on record (23.2 hrs at review time)
This is an underrated masterpiece.
Posted 18 February, 2024.
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33.1 hrs on record
CRUCIAL SUGGESTIONS : This game have a huge potential, but some features are missing

The features suggestions are in 3 categories :
- short term
- mid term
- long term

The features with a ⭐ are keys features or priority that can allow sometimes other features to take place.

Short term features :

We need more items (a lot of items are already in the game but I don't understand why we can't use and place them, as usable items or even just as a decoration) there's tons of items in the hardware store like squared water tanks or in the pre-built houses, why can't I build a chair or fireplace or any basic object from pre-existing modeled objects in the game? The items are already in the game ! You just need to make them available for players, is it so hard to just pick like 30 items created for the houses, and make them available for decoration ?

I don't understand that we still don't have the ability to just create a simple path or road, even a tiny ground path to make a clear distinction with grass. Most games of this type or base building games have that basic option

Mid term features :

Apart from the gas station, the general store and the hardware store, all buildings in this little city are closed. This is terrible that with already such a small map, the buildings are not even open. The map feels dead.
The bare minimum, should be to be able to visit each store, even if there's nothing to buy, but to make every place open to visit, with a NPC merchant in each store, just to give it more life. Such a "blocks" city feels like a game from 20 years ago. And the effort to just design a few dozens interiors is not big compare to the result and such a different vibe it would give to the city.
A good example : Medieval Dynasty, all the houses and building are open, from any village. And it makes everything just more real.

In addition to a few more interiors available, a crucial feature that would change completely the look of the town, would be to add a few NPCs walking outside, just walking around the city. No need to implement something very fancy, with a schedule and complex life for NPCs, we don't need something at the level of RDR2, but just NPCs walking around the town in circle would be a great start and would give much more life to the city. And then, why not making them talk between each other, buying some stuff, walking with things in their hands etc. Do it step by step.
Again, a good example is Medieval Dynasty, the only fact of having NPCs around makes the game more much alive and you don't feel alone in the game.

It feels very strange the weight system is completely broken in this game. If you drop even just a little object on a car, it feels like the object is 500 kilos, but some things that are supposed to be heavy, like metal, concrete or even animals like bulls, feels like they don't weight anything. A realistic weight system should be implemented, that would affect cars, animals, materials and buildings.

Something I really don't understand, is that we spend all our time feeding pigs, cows, chickens, we give them water and taking care about their basic needs, and the animals are even sleeping, but our character... he don't need to eat, don't need to drink, he can work day and night and is basically a robot. It breaks all coherence.
The basic survival features should be implemented in the game. And I mean basic, we don't need something complicate, just start with the need to drink, eat and sleep and it would be amazing.

Also, a good addition would be a stamina or energy system, so the character would not be able to work like superman and would spend energy along his tasks, so it would become interesting to manage the tasks in the day to not burn the energy too fast.
There's a huge hidden potential as soon as you implement that, because we could imagine that doing all manually (feeding with bags, water, manual grinder etc) would take huge amount of energy to the character but would be cheap, and at the opposite, using machines, big tractors and this kind of stuff would be expensive to buy, but it would be even more worth it not just because it's faster, but because it takes much less energy, just like in real life.
And of course the weight system mentioned previously, would directly impact the energy system, the more carry heavy things, the more you get tired quickly.

I don't understand the concept of having to fulfill all cars and machines with fuel, and having to refill at the gas station (which is realistic and good) but... at the same time, placing a light anywhere, or placing a house anywhere, magically makes electricity appears from nowhere. Is it not supposed to be an off grid ranch ?
There should be the necessity in the game to have some electricity, from solar panels or from the grid, but then we should have to pay electricity bills.
And we should have the choice between using the grid or having our own electrical system, and THEN, the possibility to install everything, the cables, the generators etc...
A good example : Sons of the Forest.

Long term features :

In consequence of more NPC's walking around, more survival features added and more items (like chairs for example), it should be a normal addition to have more animations, for example drinking, eating, sitting, skinning a prey (even just a basic movement, instead of nothing) and overall, more animations to make the game more realistic and alive.

In addition to NPC's walking around the city, we should have the capacity to talk to some NPCs to convince them to come and work on our ranch.
And if we have a good relation with a NPC, we should be able to marry and have kids. That's basic ranch life.
Having some NPCs working for us and paying them, would be awesome and would give us the opportunity to put some NPCs at the most repetitive tasks.
These NPCs could even have a skills system or speciality.
And of course, we should take care of the workers and making sure they have food, they have a bed, and are paid.

The size of the map right now is extremely small. Even a map double this size would already be the bare minimum, right now it's below minimum.
The actual map should be at least 2 to 4 times bigger, even if it's just nature, with forest and moutains and nothing more.
THEN, if you don't want to do just the minimum but actually a good or great game, you should have 2 to 4 maps, with a city for each maps, with different stores and products to buy for each map. I don't think it takes a huge time to design like a big forest and a few mountains, where we could actually go around with our horse or go hunting.

Hunting in this game feels like a joke, no offense, but there's no hunting, it's simply going out of the car, taking your rifle and shooting a deer that is already in the middle of the road. The AI of the animals is non-existent. They just run around with no awareness of the players or cars around. Just adding a basic code to make the animals at least, run away from the player in a perimeter of 50 meters would already be a HUGE improvement to the game and would make it much more fun.
I don't know, take a game like the Hunter or RDR2 and implement just 5% of it, and it will be fantastic.
Just having animals that are scared of us and run away would be good.
Having the ability to carry the animal in our pick-up would be better.
Ability to skin and take the fur of the animal to do something with it would be fantastic.
And also, in coherence with the previous point of bigger map, the animals should not go around like robots, they should remain in big forests far from humans, so it would add a great vibe to hunting, because we would need to go in areas that a properly deep nature, to go hunting.
Posted 18 February, 2024.
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62.9 hrs on record (43.5 hrs at review time)
One of the best MILSIM games out there !

You can play for hundreds, probably even thousands of hours and you will still get blown away by how cool and cinematic it can be.

And if you find a good group or discord and you invest a bit of time and training, the game can be of one the best gaming experiences you will ever have.
Posted 26 January, 2024.
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53.8 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
One of the greatest games of all time.

Highly advise you to play in Ranger difficulty with minimal or no ATH (HUD).

You will have of one the best experience you can get from a game.
Posted 17 January, 2024.
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247.2 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Best game on the market for any kind of WWI or WWII type of huge battle.
Everything is so high quality, the graphics are amazing, the level of details is impressive, the community is friendly and very active and compare to other games, the system is very well made so each player is pushed to play his role and make it impactful.

Just a story about my first game session :
I join a squad, I receive immediatly a warm welcome, I say I don't know how to play, the officer advise me to take Medic, follow my squad and to heal and help everybody on the way. I always stay covered, head down, and I hear players yelling around, dying and asking for a medic, I run to them, crawl to them, jump to them, and help them, and I hear again and again joy and people being grateful and saying "thank you Doc !"
Thanks to me saving probably 20 to 30 guys in just 4 minutes, we're actually pushing back the line and we start to take over the Germans. My squad take a truck, I jump in, we go to a bunker, where I stay next to a guy with a huge machine gun, and 6 other guys. We remain in the bunker until the end of the game, I'm slowly realizing that I'm actually in the squad holding the line (I will see at the end of the game that some guys of my squad have the highest score of the all 2 teams) and everytime a guy fall down, I save him, with just this squad, we keep the bunker and win the game. Game is over, I gained 3 levels, I met some amazing guys and a new Discord. My mind is blown away. Ready for next game !
Posted 23 March, 2023. Last edited 23 March, 2023.
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128.7 hrs on record (26.0 hrs at review time)
I have no words.... absolutely mind blowing, close to perfection, so much love and passion and attention to details put in this game.

For a long time I thought Red Dead Redemption 2 was the best game of all time. Any other AAA game couldn't even be compared to this masterpiece because the gap of quality is too big.

For the first time I have to admit there's a serious challenger.

Hogwarts Legacy became instantly on my top 3 games of all times, after only one hour of playing.

I have not felt such a magical feeling while playing a game since probably my childhood and I've been playing video games for 20 years now.

This is simply one of the best games of all time, in top 10 for sure and maybe top 5.

It's a very rare type of game, where you literaly stops everywhere 5 seconds to say "wow" and to look at each little detail.

It's one of these very rare games, like RDR2, where you can play for hours and hours without doing any quest, by just exploring and walking around, because of how the world is immersive and magical.

Everything is close to perfection, the graphics, the creative direction, the scenario, the characters, the gameplay mechanics, the sound and music (oh my god the music), the environnement, EVERYTHING is absolutely mastered.

And the most impressive is the studio behind this masterpiece. In a time where most of big games are always releasing "chaotically" with a lot of bugs and technical problems when they release, at a point where it's almost became the norm. To see a studio doing a perfect announcement, a perfect marketing campaign, a clear and consice communication, very transparent, to see a studio not rushing but actually calming down everyone, to see long term and to control everything with such a wisdom and experience of the video game industry. I don't know what to say except : congratulations and thank you for this feeling, for a moment I went back to my childhood and it was literaly magic. If we had one game like that every 10 years, it would be enough for me.

Now I can't wait to see what this franchise is going to become and how modders are also going to work on that monster of a game.
Posted 8 March, 2023. Last edited 8 March, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
200.8 hrs on record (50.6 hrs at review time)
You remember the end of Kingdom Come Deliverance when you have to build a village from scratch and become the leader of it and to manage everything about it. That game is basically like if this part had his own game with a 100 times more focus and a deep system to make you build your village in all the little details and to grow a family, a village, a city, and have an heir and so on. Basically building a Dynasty....Medieval Dynasty, what a great name. What a great game.

Very addictive, very relaxing at the same time and so satisfying to see your village growing step by step. On top of that, the devs and the community is awesome, the creativity here is amazing and the regular updates are always bringing the game to a next level each time. It feels organic, it feels amazing.

This game have so much potential and possibilities, definitely one of my favorite games of all time.
Posted 3 November, 2022.
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82.7 hrs on record (70.2 hrs at review time)
This is not a game, this is not a medieval simulation. This is a life adventure. Wow, just wow.
Posted 2 November, 2022.
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