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125.8 hrs on record (120.2 hrs at review time)
I like the game, when it runs good, but at the current state (still), which I would say it is in public beta, I would not recommend it to anyone wanting a "final" product.

Keeps crashing and has loads of non consistent bugs. If game crashes, you will not be able to rejoin the game you were in.

A few bugs in most recent games:
- Cannot call reinforcements. When the last player died, only that player was launched back.
- Being stuck inside a rock.
- Loads of crashes (to desktop).
- Game objective not found. I think there was supposed to be something in the ground to interact with, but was nowhere found.

In the recent five games, I think only one was played without any glitches or crashes.
Posted 20 June, 2024.
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759.8 hrs on record (493.1 hrs at review time)
Latest updates (not only the recent FF7 themed update) have for my experience been a spiral towards the end of my fun with the game. Maybe I will give it a try again after a few months or so.

Would I recommend to stay away from the game, no. Make your own judgement. For me the game was fun when the game launched and for a long time after that. It's not fun for me anymore for loads of reasons.
Posted 12 January, 2024.
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16.1 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
If you like board games and dungeon crawlers, and own a VR headset, you don't want to miss Demeo. It's a great game that has loads of strategic components in it. I was a bit worried when I read other reviews that wrote this is best played solo or with three or four players. I wanted to try this with my friend in two player mode and found out that it's really difficult, yet once we got some good combinations with our characters, we could beat the game. The satisfaction was overwhelming.

I wish they would add more content soon, but because the game randomly generates each map, there is still a lot to play with.

My rating: Just pure awesomeness (4/5)
Posted 3 April, 2022.
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8.1 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
A toggle to censorship the "disturbing" scenes would have been sufficient enough. A really bad move by the developer. I wouldn't recommend buying anything from a company that does this.
Posted 27 February, 2022.
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49.8 hrs on record (41.9 hrs at review time)
Great game with interesting story. Funny dialogue between Colt and Julienne.
Posted 6 October, 2021.
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347.1 hrs on record (182.9 hrs at review time)
This game is more of a sandbox type of game. A well working space simulator, if you will. Here are my pros and cons, in reversed order...

- It's a simulator more than an action packed game. Now this is might not actually be a con, but it might start to feel like it once you've played a while with it?
- There's a lot grinding involved (and I mean a lot), if you want to own the biggest ships playable. I don't mind grinding that much, but seriously?! I tried different playstyles and found out that the most I liked grinding with was bounty hunting. I got approx. 2 to 4M credits per hour while playing. I played a 100h probably, to get me a mid range ship (Python) with somewhat good weapons etc. Then I found out that there were easier ways to get money, and got fast two huge ships (Anaconda) which one I fitted to transport cargo and the other to do the fighting.
- The variation of the missions is lacking and for me there is not much content.
- I don't like PVP and the open play (there are three different play modes: open, private and solo). Open play is MMO, where you can encounter nice and not so nice players. Private play is where you can play with only your friends and the solo mode is where there are only NPCs in the game. All of the game mode effect the system like wise, so that when a faction in a system you've helped to gain control of the system will affect all game modes like wise. I do play open play, just for the thrills, but I still never play PVP. If you loose your ship, you will have to pay an insurance (5% of the ships cost) to get it back in it's previous condition. A Federal Corvette fully geared might cost ~1B credits, which means you will have to pay 50M credits when you blown up your ship. If you do bounty hunting and do a good hunt with 5M per hour, it'll take you 10 hours of play to get that money back. Luckily, there are better ways to earn good money (use Google to find a currently working way to make the best credits).

+ Simulator. The physics just work so well (imho). While maneuvering the ship, you can either fly with a flight assist on, which means you will fly more like an airplane (in an atmosphere) rather than like in space. It feels easy, but once you've learned some flying without the flight assist on, you'll master your enemies. Flying flight assist off feels like... it feels like real space (to a certain degree: for instance your burst speed still drops like there was a resisting force).
+ There are so many places to go. The game is HUGE! If you like exploring the emptyness of space, this is currently the best game there is, by far. You still need some grinding to get a decent explorer ship.
+ The grinding feels rewarding. Once you've purchased you Federal Corvette or Imperial Cutter, and fitted it with the best gear in addition to engineering them to your likings, you are unstoppable. PVP might still be hard to win, but in 1v1 you'll never "loose" a fight in blowing up the ship and when getting a hard time, you can run away. It'll take the enemy forever to take your shields down and then some. When a PC (non NPC) attacks me, I hardly ever engage a fight. That is my preference and I apreciate the choice of other people doing the opposite, but I don't want to play a PVP in this game. The insurance money to buy the ship back is just too much. ;)
+ The space is beautiful! Frontier has done excellent job with the engine and everything. If you like space simulators, this is the best there is currently available.
+ The game keeps developing... not as fast as I'd hoped for, but it has developed quite a lot.
+ The development in co-op experience is interesting. One of the latest updates allowed friends to hop in to your ship and take control some part of the ship. It is still missing a lot that I'd hoped for, but I'm sure we'll get to there some time.
+ Aliens! While I myself have not yet been interested enough to fly and seek for the scripted encounters with the alien race, I am thrilled to see where ED is going with that.
+ Power play and the living ecosystem. If you go out and help out an underdog faction at a system, they will gain influence and might take control of the system. The power play is a system much like we are now in earth. Chinese, Europeans, USA, Russians, etc. You can (you don't have to) chooce your power and try to influence systems (by diplomacy, trade or combat) so that it will convert to your power. Your work alone will highly likely not be enough, and your power players will need to work together.
+ The community is HUGE! There are a lot of incredibly good 3rd party tools which will help you in multiple ways. I am SO HAPPY Frontier has created the API for the tools to interact with the game.
+ Still keep coming back to the game, after 180 hours of gameplay.
+ The grinding, if you're in to it. I am. When it's rewarded properly.

I currently own a fleet of two Anacondas (the ones mentioned in the cons section), and an exploration ship (Asp Explorer), the Python still (also mentioned above), some smaller ships and my grown jevel fully geared Federal Corvette. I love my corvette :). I have also unlocked all of the engineers (they are the NPCs that help you improve your ships gear). I am impatiently waiting to see some alien action soon!

Final thoughts:
I love it. My family might not? It's a work-in-process game still, yet it's full of adventure and mystery. If they'll manage to bring new stuff, I will stay here for a while.
Posted 12 August, 2017. Last edited 12 August, 2017.
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