pathetic pile of human rubble
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RAZZA 21 okt 2024 om 20:52 
Remember Suss, or Shift Underscore as it was called in its latter days. A true, classic Australian Garry's Mod Sandbox experience. The countless hours and memes will forever be in the collective memories of all its participants. All hail George Ravenholm, Amen.
Skelly two bones 27 mrt 2024 om 7:24 
God i love killing sour patch kids :kill::kill::kill::kill::kill::kill::kill:
Skelly two bones 14 sep 2023 om 23:28 
Pongo 23 dec 2022 om 4:26 
been a couple days now, where are you?? i need the smokes i asked for!
Pongo 25 jun 2022 om 3:16 
Hows the pure liquid maths PHD going?? jr bones misses you
Skelly two bones 17 mei 2022 om 23:19 
gamering juice :milk: here take some :thefarmer: they're not poision i swears :KalabanEmoji: