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5.0 ч. всего
Level Design is top notch and pretty much look like Valve themselves made it, the new puzzles are also a very nice addition. Though i would recommend people to play portal 2 first to have a better experience. The only thing i disliked is the villain and the final boss battle, it just feels anti climactic imo.

I would totally recommend this mod for portal fans to try, its free after all.
Опубликовано 13 января 2024 г.. Отредактировано 18 февраля 2024 г..
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37.5 ч. всего
Can't even fight the final boss without infinite black screen between each phases, had to kill the process manually to restart the game every damn time.

Besides the bugs, the story after old villedor is just so corny and cringe. The character interaction between Aiden and Lawan just felt so forced i felt shock through my whole body every time there's an interaction between the two because of the cringe dialogues. Most of the "choices" you can make in the game also end up having the same result making choosing practically useless besides the important story ones.

There's less upgrade path compared to DL1 and with violatile only spawning during lvl 4 chases during night time, making night time a joke compared to DL1.

Totally not worth the full price, just wait for sale.
Опубликовано 24 мая 2022 г..
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651.6 ч. всего (548.3 ч. в момент написания)
Pretty solid ww2 gameplay
Опубликовано 22 ноября 2017 г.. Отредактировано 12 июня 2021 г..
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