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Lantern of the Archivist

Lantern of the Archivist

Dota 2
Dota 2
Common Lantern
Used By: Warlock
The Demonic Archivist
Ishul-Shog the Watcher
Staff of the Archivist
Shroud of the Archivist
Demonbag of the Archivist
Lantern of the Archivist
Robe of the Archivist
Bracers of the Archivist
Grand Mantle of the Archivist
Certain tomes in the Ultimyr Archives have never seen the light of day, and never will. But their pages have seen this light many times.
( Not Tradable )
( This item may be gifted once )
Tags: Standard, Common, Wearable, Off-Hand, Warlock, Not Tradable, Not Marketable
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