Gasset ||||
Durant anys he patit d'addicció al Warband.

Sempre que no sóc capaç d'aconseguir la meva dosi diària, els recessos comencen. Suor freda, depressió, ansietat, canvis d'humor, rampes musculars, diarrea...
Però ai quan obres el Warband... El passat s'esvaeix. Només tu i la núvia ballant el dia del teu casament. La vida és fantàstica. Sents que pots conquerir tot el que et proposis.
De cop i volta es fa tard, és hora d'anar a dormir.

Un cop més, em desperto amb la boca seca. Un altre dia igual que ahir.
poble armat poble respectat
The haunting stare of an Iraqi child
Angry for no reason
Deep existential dread
Just groovy, man
Like a virgin
Tempted into grand larceny
Late for work
Wondering what's for lunch
Thinking about umbrellas
You are Spiderman
Afraid of the number 18
Near dead
Dead except for your knees
80's training montage
Moving to Spain next month
Clive Owen
You are at the beach
Being buried alive
Wanting to start a Brazilian Pachinka company but ultimately unsure the economy will support it
Oneness with the universe
Oneness with other universes
Having a mustache
Down in the dumps
Down but out of the dumps
Up and beside the dumps
Cheesecake hangover
Loved by ducks
Bad at grammaer
Are you honestly reading this entire list of gibberish talk?
Being hunted by your cyborg father
Swallowing a whole tire iron
Wishing you had a third arm
King of the bees
Un-prepared for next Tuesday
All over next Tuesday
Seriously, I'm going to make next Tuesday my ♥♥♥♥♥
Senyor Oca 21 Jan @ 3:50pm 
Bala Rasa 17 May, 2022 @ 9:17am 

Rikkert 16 Apr, 2022 @ 5:37am 
where are you son
Bala Rasa 15 Aug, 2020 @ 2:20pm 
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Slaybot 5 Jun, 2019 @ 9:26am 
Live Silver
Hola Josemi... 24 Jul, 2018 @ 6:06am 