Linefire 22. feb. kl. 18:12 
vpn abusing through mexico.... just a lag exploiter
{GREM} | 2FootTallTomOnRoadAgain 14. feb. kl. 14:16 
hey, just as an fyi if you played on the correct servers you should be on youd have a better chance of killing people, if you didnt know crytek made ping abuse kinda dog ass and you wont land shots, not like you had the skill to do it anyway so you went low as ping abusing
{SYS} Cavitatis Preputial 14. feb. kl. 13:39 
Just a slow rat ♥♥♥♥ crouch in corner with shotguns ..
Sweaty Gamer Seat 3. jan. kl. 17:04 
Luke The Duke 22. dec. 2024 kl. 17:08 
Addicted to concertina
Hackley10TTV 30. nov. 2024 kl. 16:18 
bout a 200 ping huh you douchebag