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44.3 hrs on record
Update fixed a ton, and as you can tell from my avatar, I probably enjoyed the animated series based on the game :P
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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1,133.1 hrs on record (14.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Update - Still amazing- Been playing too much - I will point out, I have seen new people trying to play and having difficulty. I can understand some of it, there's a lot to know and learn about, but finding out stuff is incredibly easy in game and out of game. If you are having issues, please try to read things carefully. The answers are all there- but if you dont have time, don't feel bad about looking up a youtube video or a wiki! Enjoy the game at your own pace and how you want to enjoy it.

Oh - and the Dark Urge option is tough. Not in terms of difficulty, but the sheer level of uncomfortably Role Playing can be really yikes. It's great, it adds to the story, but if you feel attachments to characters and empathy for NPCs- if you feel bad whenever you pick a "bad guy answer" Dark urge might be too much ^_^ (For good reason!)
Full Release Review
This game is a wonder. I should start with saying, I am a massive D&D, Forgotten Realms Lore, Table Top Role Playing game nerd. I have been playing D&D for over 20 years, been a DM for most of that, and played in hundreds of games. Even now I have a weekly game, sometimes two when time permits such things. This game is AMAZING for a nerd like me. It hits on so many great points in the lore, great storytelling, and gods- the game play and voice acting is top tier.
Yes it is turn based, if you generally don't like turn based, I recommend you try this one when it goes on sale at some point. It might change your mind. It does several things to help speed it up and allow for combinations that aren't normally possible in regular D&D and other turn based games normally.
Story is a 10/10 - Amazing work for such a huge massive and varied story line. There is so much going on, and so much of it works so perfectly. For lore nerds- this thing is a treasure. IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM! In that it's amazing and deserves to be available for all to see and enjoy.
Music - 10/10 - absolutely fantastic. Beautiful, a work of art. Has a great mix of modern sounds with classic fantasy instruments.
Game play - 9/10 - As i have said, the game play is fantastic, but there are some issues that really can't be shoo'd away to make this a 10/10 for game play. If you know the game system it's based on, it's a 10, because you already know enough to get by. New people, not so much. They make it relatively easy, but there are a few stumbling stones. Not knowing what you get later in a class is a bit of an issue, thankfully you can redo your character options at almost anytime in game that makes up for this. Still 95% of the time, it's great, but you shouldn't assume perfection. If you want to do something in the game like change a setting on an ability, or learn a bunch of spells quickly from scrolls as a wizard, or you want to customize your layout- you can, it just isn't always clear how.
Graphics - 10/10* - Compared to many in the genre, this is top tier. It has some graphical issues that can occur in some circumstances. Skipping through scenes can cause some pop in textures and such depending on your system and such, but, it has an amazing style, great animations, special effects and designs. top tier in it's genre.
MULTIPLAYER - 9/10 - I did my first full play through of the game in Co-Op with a friend. We had a few issues, but for the most part, it was a fantastic experience. There were some issues, many of which have already been fixed with bug fixes. So- why a 9 instead of a 10? Well, I am being unreasonable here. There were some things that made me feel like I was a tag along in the game, rather than a part of the story with my friend who felt like the main character. The game needs a Tag In option. Where you can swap who is talking. For example, there was a moment where I triggered an event, my friends love interest came running up to me in a panic- in desperate need of help- with them right behind me. Yet - I was the one talking to them. They SHOULD have been talking to my friend, not me, but I just happened to trigger the event first. It felt awkward. I think that anyone within a certain range of the dialogue events should be allowed to ask to tag in, and if accepted it should swap the characters they are talking to. This would help a lot with these interactions. That said- that is pretty much it.

One final thing I want to point out. I am a writer, and it is very clear to me that some of the options in dialogue were clearly added- after they played the game and someone said "Would be really cool if i could bring up X here since I already did that-" and they went "Heck yeah, let's add that in". Meaning- these people- played their own game. 100%, and it shows. Fantastic game. Im going to play it more.
PS - Mods are also a thing- wooo- so many mods already and the official support isn't even added yet.
Can't wait for the full release, but this game has already stolen best game of the year for me. Wonderful dialogue, great integration of the Dungeons & Dragons 5e system, great sound track so far, well done alllll around. Funny bugs that the next day were fixed or mostly fixed. Developers are working day after day to make changes and fix issues. Also- Love playing it with friends. Going to be playing this game a lot when it comes out- and a lot more when modding becomes an option!
Posted 28 November, 2020. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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46.6 hrs on record
Great follow up to the previous game. Beautiful world and a lot of fun. It can be a bit short but you can extend it by just taking your time and having fun in New Montana!
Posted 26 November, 2019.
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56.6 hrs on record (51.3 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game but I recommend looking up some tips for early game. GaijinHunter on youtube did a video explaining a few things that the game doesn't do a good job of pointing out which make the game a lot easier to jump into and have a ton of fun. Mods are also a good way to have even more fun!
Posted 2 July, 2019.
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765.5 hrs on record (329.5 hrs at review time)
Wow! A new world! Be careful! You ready? Get to your posts, NOW! *Epic music* Roar! Title!

I just subtitled the trailer for you. If you know me, you know I love Monster Hunter. This is Monster Hunter. I love this game. I love it so much- I bought a PS4 Pro to play it when it first came out. If i had the ability to be patient when it comes to MH, I would have waited. But that's silly- i cannot control myself when it comes to Monster Hunter. Our relationship is complicated... Point is, the PC version is superior. Holy crap it's so much better. THEM LOAD TIMES ON PS4 EVEN PS4 PRO ARE INSANE! YOU WILL AVOID USING THE LIFT FOR A FEW LESS LOADING SCREENS! PC even on a HDD is like "WHAT LOAD TIMES?!" It's awesome. Do i recommend this game? YES - if you are cool or want to be cool. Will you keep playing it like me? Probably not. I'm no elitest gamer- but this is a game you need to work at to learn and become a master. It's quirks though are by design. Learn to use it to your advantage, and kill monsters!
Posted 23 November, 2018.
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107.5 hrs on record
Enjoy seeing people spend their time making exact copies of the characters already in the game and naming them the same even though this game lets you make your very own character? . . . What is wrong with you? Fun game, not a competative fighting game in the least though. The new game is pretty much the same thing except takes place after this one. . . That's really weird right? But the second does improve on a lot of this ones faults.
Posted 24 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries