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407.0 hrs on record (404.0 hrs at review time)
Ignore my playtime (the product of leaving the game on the main menu overnight for several nights), but make no mistake: this is a long, very detailed game all its own. More than worth the price of buying the "old" Skyrim, this game will stick with me. Wonderful world with many details, very fitting soundtrack, great and diverse voice cast, and strong dialogue.
Posted 4 January, 2020.
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0.6 hrs on record
The atmosphere is quite good- some love definitely went into this game. All the same, I cannot recommend it. That's a steep price if every Chapter is the same length (in all, Chapter 1 took about 20 minutes, exploring everything). Good feel to it, but just not quite enough there to justify more in my opinion. As to the plot, I'd be interested to see where it goes, but it has the feel of a "creepypasta" if you know what that sort of story involves- creepypasta, not "NoSleep" sort of approach.
Posted 24 May, 2017.
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5 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record
An interesting game with creativity in its design (first game in a long time to involve typing an answer to anything), but certain design quirks and difficulty in understanding the audio get in the way. Nevertheless, it shows the potential of its development team. I cannot, however, recommend it to everyone: it is in the same category of game as "Dear Esther."
Posted 5 January, 2015.
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8.6 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Right now the software's a little confusing, but it's nevertheless an impressive frontend for virtually anything you like. I'll be using it as the "desktop" for my media PC in the living room. My frustration is that I don't know how to map yet. All in due time.
Posted 30 November, 2014.
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17.0 hrs on record (8.5 hrs at review time)
Nothing short of excellent, a natural and worthy sequel to the original (complete with strong character development for a few of the main characters, over time). Telltale continues to impress.
Posted 24 July, 2014.
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39.3 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've enjoyed this game, but it's a tenative recommendation I give with the following advice: try rougelike games first, see if you like them. This puppy's more a dog for fans of Ultima Underworld, for those familiar with the game, than someone looking for a first-person, cartoony Diablo. Which *was* the developer's goal and they need to be commended for their efforts: the game, for what it is, is in my opinion a good but (right now at least) somewhat limited game, and one that's still in development besides. See if you like any of the free rougelike games out there- if not Rouge itself. See if you like games with very little plot to speak of (Doom did have a plot; Super Mario Bros. 3 as well). Read up on Delver and games like it just a bit. And thenm when you're ready, take the plunge: $8 is really quite a deal for a charming little pick-me-up game like this (relatively easy deaths means this game is "just one more try" obsession-ready, so bear this in mind too). God speed.
Posted 23 January, 2014.
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17 people found this review helpful
2.5 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
This is Diablo, only with a fifth of the plot- all action. You are probably going to die. A lot. And so will all the townspeople relying upon you, their hero, for safety. All because, in "Din's Curse," the bosses fight back.Slowly but surely, they gather power and influence, staging ambushes upon the town while you're down in the dungeon or shopping for more armor. You will die a lot, but it's great fun. Highly recommended for any fan of Diablo, Torchlight, or Titan's Quest; try the demo if you're unsure.
Posted 2 December, 2013.
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24 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Highly recommended if you happen to own Bioshock 2.
Posted 3 October, 2013.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
This guy's lines alone, both in his trailer (see Youtube) and in-game, all-but sell this DLC. Very entertaining. Just wish it were cheaper... that's what sales are for.
Posted 11 July, 2013.
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0.8 hrs on record
NOT always easy to set up on any OS other than Windows XP (not impossible, but they made a few odd design choices that Vista and 7 don't like much), this is a fantastic game. One of the first to use the Source engine, you step into the role of a wizard's apprentice and go treking through your round-of-the-mill fantasy setting. Conspiracies and such follow, but suffice to say that the game's emphasis on physics and a realistic first-person perspective (you ride into town in a wagon, which makes for a really nice intro) more than make up for its short-comings. I learned that the third or forth time I impaled a grunt on a spike by kicking him off of the roof, only after first ramming his head into the roof itself several times. Violent, oh yes, but plenty fun.
Posted 3 July, 2011.
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