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Recent reviews by Sweet Onion

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1 person found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
How did this pass any play testing checks? Out of 3 single player games, I was able to finish 1. In the concluded game I found a card did not function properly. CMON has updated the KickStarter to state they will be working on bugs that slipped through the "cracks", but I am dumbfounded how so many issues were not found. It is as though little to no effort was placed in making sure the game would work.
Posted 29 May, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
442.8 hrs on record (158.8 hrs at review time)
I likes it
Posted 29 November, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
571.2 hrs on record (61.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game is fun to play. It lacks polish, but with that comes a certain charm. Akward vehicle deaths have caused me and my friends to laugh obscenely. Development occuring on the test server appears to help with optimization and a few gameplay quirks.

What drives me bonkers, is the customer service of the game's developers and adminstration staff. After 61 hours of game play and a k/d ratio so low that a 13 year old probably wouldn't be happy with it, I received a permanent ban. *WHAM* What hurts the most, is that I do not know the cause of the ban. Before folks start crying out "cheater", "rekt", "git gud" and other toxic single liners, I was playing legit. I know we all "heard that before". I have never cheated on an online multiplayer game. I recall irritating friends in highschool while playing Diablo 2, because I refused to utilize map hack or duped items. Since then, I have stayed true to me moral compass for 15+ years

To appeal a ban, one has to be motivated enough to do some research and find the appropriate thread in PUBG's forums. No information will be provided to you via the game client. To post, you have to create a forum account and jump through a couple hoops to collect the information you need to file your appeal. The reason for a ban should be revealed to the person receiving it. Logging into PUBG to receive "You are banned in Steam", makes no sense. This was not a VAC ban, and it was not issued by steam.

Speculation has led me to believe it may have been one of 2 things. 1. A false positive for cheating 2. Breaking the rules of conduct.

1. Was it BattleEye, PUBG's 3rd party partner for finding cheaters, that flagged something obscure? BattleEye is used by a number of games. Rainbow 6 Seige, Black Squad and Incursion are all games that use this service, that I have not had any issues with. Was there something found on my PC? Was there something comprised that has remained unknown to me, that I need to rectify?
2. The rules of conduct which forbid being a meanie with a foul mouth, a racist or team killing, is viewable on PUBG's forum. The EULA, which appears to be the only "ruleset" of sorts presented to players via the game client, does not direct players how to play the game. Thinking back, I had a team mate who's game client crashed, which is a common occurence if you play PUBG. After several attempts at trying to reconnect, he was unsuccessful. I did punch him to death to loot the gear he had amassed. Was this one TK reason enough to issue a permanent ban?

TLDR Summary
-I enjoy the game. It is an unoptimized, buggy game that will provide you with laughs and a taste for chicken.
-Custmer service is subpar. PUBG's rules of conduct are not made readily accessible to players in-game. There are docummented cases of unfair bannings. What is worse, is that attempts to appeal a ban, through PUBG's process found on their forum, often remain unanswered.

The hammer should come down on those who deserve it. If the net has to be cast so wide it catches innocent folks, please make it easy for the end user to know what happened, why it happened and make it easy to appeal.
Posted 17 December, 2017. Last edited 17 December, 2017.
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0.7 hrs on record
I logged out on her.
Posted 15 February, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.3 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
I loved the premise and really wanted to love the game. It isn't a bad play, but it is riddled with cheap deaths. Progressing through the stroy can feel tedious when you are faced with a puzzle like sequence the needs to be completed in a very particular, set order. Failing to do so respawns the character at the start of the sequence and often entails a repeat of an in game dialaogue sequence. At times this felt like a quick time sequence where you had a bit more control.
Posted 25 August, 2014.
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