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2 people found this review helpful
70.1 hrs on record (41.7 hrs at review time)
very good! like wow but based + free
Posted 21 February, 2022.
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17.2 hrs on record
pretty good game. the main storyline can take you around 10 hours ish to complete, but it serves pretty much as a really long tutorial + introduction to the game.

the game really is about expanding your town, exploring the world and collecting all sorts of things.

you can really make your own goal whether it is to get a good looking town, a very productive town, a cool outfit, all the fishes or whatever.

would recommend especially as its cheap.
Posted 20 November, 2021.
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66.9 hrs on record (22.6 hrs at review time)
its pretty pog
Posted 11 December, 2020.
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1,159.7 hrs on record (692.9 hrs at review time)
i havent really played much but i heard its a good game.
Posted 23 November, 2017.
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18 people found this review helpful
9.6 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
this is not dark souls.

It will not challenge you with it's immense combat system and carefully planned out bosses (because there is none).

The game at it's simplest form is a retrieval and reward game combined with wacky characters; a rather large open world; puzzles and even a bit of farming.

Quests are numerous but short (which is good?). Having finished the main story, which is merely a group of side quests that give you a backstory of the game, I still have alot to do. I find it fun going around the towns, helping citizens and trading with people.

That brings me onto my next point, the trading. Trading is actually quite different in this game. Instead of "coins" like in other games you actually have to trade your OWN items for other items making hoarding worthwile. There are also coins in the game but they are only used for certain stores, not alot of those stores anyway. If you pay attention to what the NPC's say they actually tell you if something is in demand, for example "No point in going to blah-de-blah town for lumber, they are in surplus!". Some say they hate it but I think it is quite usefull to get suplies and other resources. As soon as you accept one of the "guild" side quests you can easily go to one of the traders, buy everything you need, and return the quest back in. This gives it sort of an MMORPG vibe which I enjoy.

Another point I would like to push forwards is the season system. It's basic but makes a huge difference in your gameplay. I have had many times where I couldn't do a certain quest for example the fish I needed was under an iced off lake and I would have to wait until summer for it to freeze. The weather makes a nice change to your gameplay, instead of being sunny skys all day long.

There are so many features I would love to talk about but it would surely get boring fast so i'm just going to do a quick overview of things I like. Farming; you can build your own farm with placeable objects to adopt many different animals of the island. Regions; there are a couple of regions ranging from sandy deserts to icy glaciers all with varying sound effects, music and animals. Exploration; there is so much to explore on Gemea and even after end-game I still have found places I have never been yet. Crafting; a plentiful crafting system with guilds that unlock new recipes. Customization; you can easily customize your character with backpacks, clothes, hairstyles and hats that make your character look how you want it to be (my favourite item is the Groffle Backpack).

Anyway I guess this is where I give ratings.

Replay Value

Posted 21 July, 2017.
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18 people found this review helpful
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32.0 hrs on record (19.4 hrs at review time)
Played the beta, bought the game straight after its release.
-Open World
-Every run is different and unique
-Online is smooth for meeting random players.
-Good Customization
-World is big, but not that big
-Tricks/Jumps seem repetitive
-Playing with friends is all right but sometimes glitchy.
-18 hours in, allready reached max level (25)
So basically this game is pretty good but like every game it has flaws. Do not get this game if you don't like grinding since the only way to get money is by completing missions/challenges. One good thing is the "Specialities" you can choose; basically there like 4 or 5 different ways you can snowboard: Blue, Green, Orange, Black and the colours are the different points you get so like if you go on ice you get orange points (extreme) and if you go around places and explore then you get green points (explorer). The controls when you first start of can be a bit weird but once you get into the game you learn enhanced tricks and stuff like that. All in all I would probably say get this game if you have loads of money but if your poor wait for the sales.
Posted 8 December, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
8.3 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
After playing it for about 6 hours straight of this game I can say it's pretty good.

Good gampley expecialy with friends
Graphics ( not that this realy matters but its good to have it anyway )
Customization is okay.
Map is kinda huge ( maybe there is going to be another one ? )
Wingsuiting is amazing, some of the missions are incredible ( you go through the tiniest gaps; feels so nice when you get it first try. )
Paragliding isn't actually all that bad from getting from a to b. The controls may be a bit clunky and unrealistic but paragliding is quite nice.
The glow suits ( probably best feature in game )

Now for the BETA cons ( some of these could be fixed in the actual game ) :
It's best with friends to play with you otherwise if you have allready done most of the missions then it gets a bit boring.
I would say that ski's aren't as fun to use as snowboards. Yes you can parallel turn but not as well as in real life and skiing compared to snowboarding doesn't feel rewarding enough.
Customization can be limited; combined with the high levels for unlocking items it is kinda hard to make your character how you would like.
Some missions are insanely hard. Literally there are missions where you go down vertical drops whilst having to score points by doing tricks.
For the missions you have to do tricks, for me atleast, it is kinda hard to get alot of points.

For the BETA I would probably give this game a 8/10 since it has got alot of missing features that would be nice to include ( better emotes, social features and maybe snowballs ! ) but it's an all round nice game.
Posted 20 November, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
573.9 hrs on record (323.9 hrs at review time)
Do you like good ragdoll physics ?
Do you like good realistic poses to get into cover ?
Do you like good reactions to your character when you get shot ?
Do you like to not get flung into the air by a rock ?

Then this is not the game for you!

However , if you said yes to any of those things , welcome brother HISSSSS

TO ARMA 3 " hiss "

You can throw grenades through walls !
You can revive people through walls !
You can get killed through walls !

The possibilites are endless!

How bout you take a break from the military simulator and play a rp gamemode called Altis Life !

You can get arrested by cops !
You can smoke weed !
You can pick peaches and apples !
You can get killed for picking peaches and apples !
You can get kicked for high ping !


Do you want to enjoy a fun game ?

Me: Yes!

Do you have money !

Me: Eh , not realy

Posted 29 October, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
647.6 hrs on record (21.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
First few hours of learning how to play rust

Joins official server and meets a guy who says come to my base I will team

Goes inside base and a few secconds later im lying on ground dead

Leaves server

Joins modded server with tp and asks people for team

Some guy makes me his slave and I have to collect wood for him

Logs off

Joins another server shouting friendly at some people , they get out a gun and shoot me with 1 hour worth of loot

Rages in chat full caps

Goes to someone and says friendly , he seems friendly so I team with him.

Shortly after he gets out a gun and kills me

Types in chat " okay im friendly so if you see me I can give you free recources "

Some naked comes to me and says " Can i have loot "

I say sure and stone him to death

10/10 would kill again
Posted 2 June, 2015.
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7.9 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
This game has a fantastic sense of humor , the levels may be 'repetitive' for other people , but its just using what you have learnt from the past levels in the next level , the one downside is that sometimes it is quite hard to find people to play with but when you do I love it ! If your having trouble getting to play with other people , host your own or instead of clicking quick match click find match :) I hope this helped
Posted 4 January, 2015.
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