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Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel
And why not every man?
He delivered Daniel from the lion's den
Jonah from the belly of the whale
And the Hebrew children from the fiery furnace
And why not every man?
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel
Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel
And why not every man?
The moon runs down in a purple stream
The sun refused to shine
Every star did disappear
Yes, freedom shall be mine!
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel
Deliver Daniel, deliver Daniel?
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel
And why not every man?
hey i just met you and this is crazy so heres my number, so call me maybe?
king of the snipers 8 Nov, 2023 @ 11:13pm
fsn you just owned that guy so hard holy crap can you do me next
buck (nasty) 8 Nov, 2023 @ 10:13pm
fsn you just owned that guy so hard holy crap can you do me next
puutis omega 8 Nov, 2023 @ 4:47am
Discipline History
Active When Until Why
2/12/2021 2/26/2021 Use of racist comments during a scrim.
2/27/2021 2/27/2022 Harassment; transphobic flaming and death threats directed at a user.
Indefinite ban with a minimum sentence of one year.
After the minimum period has elapsed, the player can appeal to have their ban lifted, provided they can show that they've changed as a player and how they interact in the community.
2/27/2022 2/27/2024 Disrupting a community-casted match. Transphobic and racist comments.
2/27/2024 Permanent Continued use of racist comments during a scrim.
king of the snipers 7 Nov, 2023 @ 8:06pm