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89.4 hrs on record (89.4 hrs at review time)
Easily my GOTY 2020. Best story since 0, best villain since 2, most amount of content since 5 this game has it all. The change to JRPG paid off with a well done system. English dub was also fantastic with great acting especially by Ichiban and the main villain. Only main cons for me was the frequent fps dropping when unlocked, heavy enemy spawn rate (late game item fixes this), and the secret party member not existing outside combat. Easily my 2nd favorite game in the series.
Posted 12 January, 2021.
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80.3 hrs on record (64.5 hrs at review time)
The absolute best way to play this classic. Better textures, performance, and higher quality UI and art. The game itself is still as great as it was on the Vita. Only negatives I encountered were 4 random crashes in 64 hours of playing, and the japanese audio is a poor sound quality compared to the english dub.
Posted 28 June, 2020.
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1.0 hrs on record
Top 5 arcade racer absolute banger
Posted 5 June, 2019.
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1.3 hrs on record
I'd rather spend the $1 on a thot's patreon
Posted 1 March, 2019.
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33.8 hrs on record (24.5 hrs at review time)
I’ve been playing this and Forza Horizon 4 exclusively this month, and felt it’s been long enough to review.
I want to say I’m not a fan of the Assassin’s Creed series. I can’t get into any of them. At least until now. This game is addicting. You can easily lose hours when playing. The world is massive and detailed. This game takes heavy inspiration from great RPG titles like Witcher 3 for combat, and Dragon Age for player choices. The item system is very similar to games like Destiny, where you always want to get better loot as you level up.
The amount of content is INSANE. You can do story quests, side quests, bounties, take down a cult, climb the mercenary ladder (similar to nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor), sail etc. There has been complaints about a grind, however considering the amount of activities to do it doesn’t feel like a grind since you earn xp for almost anything you do. The combat is extremely similar to Witcher 3’s system, except spells are replaced with abilities that can be bought with skill points. Weapon types all have a different feel and play style. Stealth is still a big part of the game, as getting surrounded by many enemies can make a hard fight.
Negatively the game is very cpu heavy. I generally run 60-80 FPS with a GTX 1080 and i7-7700k at Ultrawide 1440p. I’ve had many times where the frames would suddenly dip down to the teens. I’ve also had some bugged side quests.

All in all if you’re a fan of rpg games, even if you don’t like this series, you should seriously take a look at this game. Easily one of the years best open world games.
Posted 20 October, 2018.
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3.1 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
After originally playing this game on Xbox One back when it came out, this port absolutely delivers. It's nice to be able to enjoy this game without it looking like vaseline was smeared all over the screen. 4K textures makes this game massive at 150gb. Running on a i7 770k and RX Vega 56 I can get about 40-59fps on a mix of average-high settings at 4K. The game itself is great. I dislike JRPGs, especially Final Fantasy, but this game was able to hook me in. Great starting point, great graphics, and an insane amount of content. Controls are kind of janky on keyboard, but this is absolutely the best version to play. I was 2/3 through the game on Xbox, but after playing this version there's no going back.
Posted 7 March, 2018.
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18 people found this review helpful
9.8 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
Currently the best version of Worms out there.
Posted 3 August, 2017.
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38.2 hrs on record (26.1 hrs at review time)
I don't care about mods I just wanna fit in
Posted 17 June, 2017.
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61.6 hrs on record (48.7 hrs at review time)
Quit being a ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ and just buy it. For $9 you gets hours of content, and bringing a friend along makes it an amazing experience.
Posted 11 April, 2017.
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44.5 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fantastic, easy to use, extremely customizable, and the performance hit is minimal.
Posted 15 February, 2017.
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