Real BTS Nigel
enjoyer of dirty tactics
Zurzeit online
DirtL [天] 10. Aug. um 7:59 
Respect for pointing down. Dark souls 3 all achievements as well. We have to keep culture alive.
Burban™ 7. Juli um 15:13 
The fact that you can get 2 free comets off makes me cry ;(
ggs regardless
Титан-Баррикады 7. Juli um 15:04 
秀得水流乱 16. Apr. um 17:49 
Cool Beans 5. März 2023 um 9:42 
Hiya! Thank you for the friendly dual, it was very fun! :luv: -Hope :er_heart:
Koele Bonen 5. März 2023 um 9:41 
+rep Great lad, and very sportsmanlike :D -Agnus :er_heart: