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17.4 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)

+ The story and lore is very interesting, with different races and history to explore.
+ The characters are varied and interesting and have very good dialogue.
+ The gameplay is compelling, the combat section is simple but works very well, it kind of resembles a complex chess game with different characters and abilities.
+ When you are not in combat you will be leading your caravan in your journey, you will have to make many decisions that may end up significant rewards or the death of some of your members so there's some degree of consequence to your actions.
+ The artstyle is gorgeous (Reminds me of the classic disney movies), but most of the time they are static figures with subtitles.
+ The soundtrack is superb and if it's the kind of music you like, you should definitely buy the soundtrack as well.
+ The gameplay is hard, but not too hard.


- Even though you have to make many decisions throughout the game they won't change the outcome in a significant way besides losing or gaining side characters, so eventually the game will have an on-rails feel.
- Most of the characters are static, besides some minor animation here and there.
- None of the characters talk except the narrator in very few occasions, I understand maybe that was by design, but some voice over in some main events would have been nice.

Final opinion
Overall I loved this game, amazing and interesting fantasy universe, compelling gameplay, very interesting story with superb soundtrack. Some missed potential, but still worth it and very excited for the sequel.
Posted 31 January, 2015.
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548.4 hrs on record (172.7 hrs at review time)
Instant Classic from CA. A game every strategy fan should have.
The gameplay is really fun, divided into a turn-based map of japan, where you can manage your resources, economy, diplomacy, recruitment, etc. And real time battles, where you take control of every unit in your army in order to attack, defend, ambush(be ambushed), siege a settlement or engage in naval combat.

I'm not a good enough reviewer to explain every detail of why this game is good, but I can direct you to the angry joe review.

Basically what I'm trying to say is... This game's awesome, if you're a strategy fan, you'll be doing yourself a great favor by buying it and I'm waiting anxiously for the new installment of CA, Attila (Skipped Rome 2).

Posted 29 December, 2014. Last edited 29 December, 2014.
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