Rhamorim 14 серп. 2014 о 18:02 
É o que dá ter um monte de jogo e ainda completar um tanto de badges... ;)
Akamai_BR 13 серп. 2014 о 5:33 
O cara é nivel 24! Porra! Bruto! :D
Rhamorim 20 черв. 2014 о 14:41 
Unlikely. But who knows? It could happen. ;-)
Millertime059 20 черв. 2014 о 6:36 
So is this sale the one that gets you to 500 ;)
Rhamorim 28 жовт. 2013 о 16:39 
I am indeed - so far, it's been much better than I anticipated. Fantastic graphics, great sound/music, good story, great gameplay. Really, really good so far.
bansama 28 жовт. 2013 о 9:29 
I see you're enjoying Naruto. Now my interest in it has piqued a bit. Will wait for a sale though as I cannot get it from GG (apparently, the publisher won't let them sell it in the US =S)
John of Mars 6 серп. 2013 о 6:46 
You weren't kidding about being more about surveying games! 340 games! 259 DLC! Wow!
taczillabr 13 лип. 2012 о 19:05 
Steam sale incoming at full steam, Mr. Roberto! Comment for the badge, man! 4x games aplenty, man!
bansama 12 лип. 2011 о 0:11 
I'm getting this feeling that you might want to play something with a couple of portals in it ;) Sommat we'll have to try and do one day soon.
giorni 10 лип. 2011 о 15:37 
Opa, voltei a jogar. Ficou de graça ai meus amigos animaram finalmente. Grande abraço.
giorni 25 груд. 2010 о 16:48 
Feliz natal doctor! :D