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Recent reviews by rfacpain

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459.8 hrs on record (452.7 hrs at review time)
The bots have gotten out of hand. You should NOT participate in a game let alone their financial market when the game runs rampant with bots that farm items, ruin games, and threatens your very security if you speak out about their evil practices. The people running theses bots are truly evil, and if you are worried about being scammed, or your gameplay experience ruined, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Just imagine, YOU a enjoyer of this game said ANYTHING about this botting crisis, all of a sudden your name, voice, identity and personal information is either being leaked or worse YOU are getting SWATTED (having your local law enforcement being called on your location for a threat that doesnt exist called in by someone you "pissed off" with your views. This has gone too far. Something NEEDS to be done. Play the game sure but do NOT indulge in purchasing items. Remember the phrase "vote with your wallet" dont give them another penny.
Posted 4 June.
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13.4 hrs on record
Like some already said, Sony has released a post on their Playstation Twitter account that the account linking idea has been scrapped. Huge W, try to bring this games review score back!
Posted 3 May. Last edited 5 May.
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55.2 hrs on record (54.3 hrs at review time)
I have a very big gripe about this game. Back when I played a BUNCH. Like a LOT. I spent over 500$ getting stuff in game. Around the time when the mass refunds happened and everyone got their money refunded to their steam wallets, but you kept your stuff in game. When it happened I was shell shocked. I got all my money and got to keep all my stuff. However, their "solution" to this problem was making it so that every account that had spent money, had negative of the in game currency somewhere equal to this amount. Meaning if you wanted to keep playing and still keep your stuff, you would have to put the money back into it. I foolishly did this against my better judgment since I loved the game. However, I was severly overcharged on the negative OC. Even after throwing all the money back in, I was still negative in game currency and it kept gaining debt as if I never did. Customer support never got back to me after countless emails about it. If you play, for the love of god dont give them your money.
Posted 26 February.
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