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1 person found this review helpful
109.6 hrs on record (77.8 hrs at review time)
After one and a half playthroughs, I think I can somewhat give a quick review of the thing? Dragons's Dogma 2 is an excellent game that is unfortunately marred by strange oversights right at the finish line.

The gameplay itself is excellent, every vocation except maybe Sorcerer (in my opinion) feels strong, dynamic and fills their class fantasy very well. Fighting large monsters and grabbing onto them and topping them by pushing them is very satisfying and it still makes me smile, its addicting, its cathartic. Though this is where I start listing negatives: the enemy variety in this game is quite low, theres only around 6 large monsters you will encouter and fight on the regular, and not all of them have beefed up buffed variants of them. Cyclops especially become complete pushover before you even reach the halfway mark of the game, which becomes a large negative (for me atleast.) Destroying what was previously a large obstacle in mere seconds is fun, but it also means one of the challenges and thrills of the game is gone forever. This leads into my second negative point, which will be MOSTLY spoilers from now on, so only read if you've beaten the game, there's something REALLY cool in here that I wouldnt want anyone to be spoiled about


There's no final boss nor is there any sort of postgame. The only content that is offered to you after you finish "Unmoored" is to replay through a non-scaled NG+ of the game. Nothing will be a challenge except maybe dragons and the very few, limited enemies found in Unmoored. All of the best gear in the game is simply bought from a vendor, and then you have absolutely nothing to use it on (at least as of now.) other than monsters that are far too weak for the power this equipment gives you. It's a real shame, since even DD1 at launch had the Everfall, Ur-Dragon etc. Theres absolutely nothing to do. Which is a real shame and my biggest problem with the game.


The story itself is also servicable, but its nothing I will remember. A lot of confusion when it comes to linking this game with DD1. Sidequests are not too interesting either, but they offer a lot of ways to be tackled and can feel rewarding to figure out how to do them right, since a lot of them ask you to think outside the box. The world feels lived in and everything responds to your actions accordingly (pulling your weapon in a city makes the guards assume a defensive stance, walking up to npcs when your lantern is on will annoy them and they will cover their eyes, etc.), which is really cool and adds a lot to the immersion. Another last little note is just that the music feels like a step down in terms of identity compared to 1. 1 had a lot of guitars and rock influences that were completely ironed out of DD2. DD2 opts for a completely orchestral soundtrack, which works, but is missing those highly vocal tracks and guitar riffs 1 had that made it stand out. (The song that plays when you topple a monster in DD1 is in this game, and rearraged, but they completely removed the guitar riff and it feels very hollow when you reach that segment, im sure you know what im talking about if you've played DD1 a lot.)

I'm kind of just listing my thoughts as they go along since this is a very large game, and im not really a reviewer, but this is genuinely one of the best games ive ever played, and wanted to have my voice out there for CAPCOM to hopefully make the game better. Do get this if you're interested at all, its excellent.
Posted 28 March, 2024. Last edited 28 March, 2024.
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2.4 hrs on record
Fun game until you get to Hamir, where his entire gimmick is that he sucks and is always at the mercy of RNG
Posted 28 February, 2023.
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11.3 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
phenomenal game all around

if you're italian please contact me I would like to know how it feels to be grabbed and launched into other enemies
Posted 7 February, 2023.
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251.9 hrs on record (113.8 hrs at review time)
Aight I beat the game, and I have a lot of things to say about this game because I think this game I doomed on the long run due to multiple design decisions that hold the fun parts of the game back tremendously

The main issue with the game is its open world design, as much as I enjoyed it the first time around, on subsequent playtroughs this becomes an Issue as you know where most of the things are and aren't as motivated to explore as the first time around, but the game still expects you to do it. And as a result, you either don't explore a bunch of cookie cutter copy pasted dungeon but become weaker as a result, or waste your time doing them to meet the level the game kind of expects you to be at.

Speaking of leveling, this game has another big problem in that department. You do not get health from leveling other stats like other souls games, you only get health from leveling health, and you WANT to level health to survive in this game since damage taken ramps up a lot. Which means a lot of levels are spent "sidegrading" to be able to not die instantly to enemy attacks, which of course isnt a problem if you "dont get hit" but lets be honest, a majority of the playerbase, me included, isnt good enough to just play the game on 10 vigor.

And my last point that brings the game down, is that the game has no idea what it wants to be. The best way I can describe it for FromSoft fans, is that the enemies play Bloodborne while you're playing Dark Souls 3. At around the halfway point of the game, enemies start moving a LOT more and even the most basic of enemies will chain attacks of 4 or 5 hits. Meaning most of the combat, for the bosses atleast, consist of waiting for their attack string (which can randomly extend into random different moves in a lot of cases) for 10 to 15 seconds, to then only attack the boss once or twice or punish it with 1 art, and then repeat until it dies. Some bosses even have attacks that have things built in to PUNISH you if you try to hit them at the end of it. A good example is Malenia, a lategame boss which her strongest attack, which kills you near instantly, pushes you away if you stand next to her trying to attack her after successfully dodging her strongest and hardest to dodge attack, making this fight, and a lot of the game a lot more frustrating that it should be in my opinion, especially when even after all of these Vigor points I spent still lead to me dying in two or three hits.

I still had fun with most of the game but my god does it try to just be obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious.
Posted 7 March, 2022. Last edited 19 March, 2022.
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8 people found this review helpful
272.3 hrs on record (92.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
cant reccomend the game especially on lower end machines, every patch the game runs worse and worse and its just not optimized at all, it doesnt even run on my machine anymore it just crashes
Posted 2 February, 2022.
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21.8 hrs on record
I played this about a year ago and never wrote a review for it

its hard to really write a review for it since the game heavily focuses on its writing and themes, so all I can say in that regard is that its good and makes the few nitpicks i have with the game worthwhile

said nitpicks being the pacing being all over the place, some sections of the game really drag on, especially on subsequent playthroughs where redoing it is needed for some of the different endings and side content, the combat could have also been pushed a little more as the system is interesting, but not fully utilized

the rest of the game is fantastic and justified the purchase, im very glad i played this game and made me appreciate horror in games more, as the scarier moments were pretty well done in a grand majority of the time
Posted 14 December, 2021.
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20 people found this review helpful
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17.7 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The visuals and music are pretty decent, everything is polished and the game feels good to control and stuff but...

This game is plain frustrating.

The main issue I have in this game is that the main currency of the game is your own HP bar.

Nearly EVERYTHING in this game requires you to spend your own health to get any advantage, making it very punishing on any kind of small mistake (everything in this game deals the same amount of damage, except I think those cursed enemies, they do more.)

Your main form of healing is gaining "souls" from killing enemies, which goes up as you kill them fast enough. But if you take any kind of health damage, that entire meter is lost, AND you lose health which can be used to make yourself stronger, just by say clipping spikes on the ground you didnt see, your run is effectively completely throttled.

It's a really bad problem since EVERYTHING in this game costs HP. Opening a chest? HP. Praying at the statue of items? HP
Gambling? HP. GETTING A NEW NPC IN TOWN? yes please pay your precious hp to handicap this specific run for your other runs please.

Getting hit and being punished by severely reducing your ability to do any meaningful choice in this game makes it unbearably frustrating to play. In other roguelites say Binding of Isaac or Enter the Gungeon, no-hit mechanics are implemented in a way that feels like you are rewarded rather than handicaped, which makes it much more bearable.

Doesn't help that spending said precious health to then get spat in the face with an item that does effectively nothing is common too.

(I am also not a big fan on how BLATANT this game is about its "symbolism" and themes. Its very in your face and doesnt really let you think because every boss has the same design motif and is named one of the 5 stages of grief, even the game is called REVITA. Cmon be more subtle)
Posted 8 October, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
Sylvanos is fun but Elliana is way too easy to punish and just feels weak in general, shes still fun but I'd like some tweaking.
Posted 2 April, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
455.8 hrs on record (252.5 hrs at review time)
One of the best games on steam. Has 6 characters that each have a ton of builds, 100+ maps, a ton of unique items, a level 72 cap, 7 raid bosses and much more because im getting tired of writing this review, just get it man.
Posted 18 March, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
5.3 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
Take a TCG like Hearthstone and its core elements but add some spicy turn based RPG elements on top of it.

Not to mention the amazing spritework.

Its a good game.
Posted 22 June, 2017.
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