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Short story about pro dota player moved from dota to lol:

His name is Ho Lee Fuk from chinaland, he is a professional dota player with high level skill, he got in a car crash, blinded, hands broken, all his dream is lost after 5 years of dota, when finally he discovers hope again, he discovers lol, which allowed him to play even with disabilities.

"When game is going full retard, you can only go with it. If you start going against it, if you start going half retard, you're fucking done for." - Johan " N0tail" Sundstein

In the year 2040 after TI30, 90% of the world plays DotA. Nobody knows how it got so big. Maybe it was after Valve bought Riot. Maybe it was after Jeremy Lin converted the entire LA Lakers to DotA players. Most would say it was after the US President became a player. All we know is the engine of the world had stopped. DotA turned from enjoyment, to a disease. End times were coming. This was truly Armageddon.
Our story starts in a small bunker in north Russia. One of the last colonies of cognitive refugees and the largest resistance force left. A dank and dark place hidden away from the world. A remnant of older, simpler times. Working in secret, scientists were looking for ways of shutting down the network, but servers in the future were autonomous and could fight off any physical or technological attack. They were so advanced, they could fix their own mistakes. There wasn't any point to even try to use any device connected to the internet. It is all controlled by the GABE-N. A cyborg created to preserve an old world tyrant. He controls all. He sees all. Big brother is watching you.
A young woman knocks on a door to a dark room. All it contains is a bed, a fishing pole, and a thin man in a wheelchair, sitting catatonically aloof. The woman turned on a lamp, but the umbra of the room still stained the walls. She lifts the mans shirt to switch out his empty food IV for a new one.
"Are you feeling better today, Danil?" asked the woman quietly. She waited patiently for any sign of life. As always, he just sat there staring at the wall. She knelt down and held his hand. "We have good news, Major Korobkin says the project is finished." Again, she looks at him for any movement. He is as moribund as ever. "This will all be over soon. We'll all be free of DotA once and for all." This news didn't phase or shift him. She stood up and headed for the door.
"I didn't know." The young woman nearly fell over hearing the words. This was the first time in a decade he had spoken. "I didn't know it would turn out like this. It was just a game. They told me I could be the best. They told me I was the best. I was a just a boy, barely a man. I do not regret what I have done, it is what I have failed to do. I should have quit while I was ahead. We knew it would change the world. I am the epicenter of all of this. I am become death, destroyer of worlds." The woman was speechless. All she could do was hug the frail man.
In the depths of the bunker, beneath the miles of dirt, sat a team of engineers, scientist, and military personnel. They sat in silence. A Russian military officer opens the door. Everyone stands at attention.
"Major Korobkin, sir" says a saluting scientist.
"Dismissed. We have the subject. Is everything operational?"
"Yes sir, we just need to prepare the subject." The major makes a motion as 2 soldiers usher in a small man with a bag over its head. some scientists grab a special suit and other gadgets. The bag is removed and the subjects is suited up in a post-modern space suit.
"Your mission is simple. We are sending you to the year 2014. You must keep DotA from spreading. You must keep it away from the President of the United States. Do anything within your power to stop it. You are the chosen one."
"I know what I must do."replied the subject. " I shall DDoS the east coast server." and so he did.
GeyFrog 2 Oct, 2022 @ 3:05pm 
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cost 13 Aug, 2021 @ 7:03pm 
send me a friend request, I need to talk to you
Dajar 4 Jul, 2021 @ 9:22am 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
76561199028114016 12 May, 2021 @ 3:47am 
Whitestalker 27 Apr, 2021 @ 12:38pm 
yo dude, send me a friend request, lets play together
Conjulv 9 Apr, 2021 @ 8:15pm 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls