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Honest boy 17 sept. la 21:24 
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naruto has summon you join in his ninja clan!! send this to 5 of your best friends to join in ninja clan and be top ninja in leaf town. only true ninja work with naruto and learn how to use double team. are you one of the ninja?
🧜🏽‍♀️ 𝐀𝐥𝐞 26 iul. 2020 la 8:20 
♫ The
🚙 ✿ History
🚘💄 ✈ of
📒🐳🐠 ❉ every
🥞🐊🔋💛 ✖ major
💙🚗😺🎍💃 ✴ Galactic
👾🌋🥗💎🚕⚡ ✏ Civilization tends to pass through three distinct and recognizable phases, those of Survival, Inquiry, and Sophistication, otherwise known as the How, Why, and Where phases. For instance, the first phase is characterized by the question "How can we eat?" the second by "Why do we eat?" and the third by "Where shall we have lunch?". -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt 31 mai 2020 la 20:08 
Cooked Dracula 24 mai 2020 la 15:12 
+rep absolute chad and a half
messy 3 oct. 2018 la 2:54 
+rep the most epicest of epic gamers you will ever stumble across
Spring 29 sept. 2018 la 8:47 
+rep big pp