John   Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
I was recently IMPERSONATED on SteamTrades. This is my correct and TRUE profile. You can tell due to the number of games I own, comments below, and reputation:


NEVER accept an invite from someone pretending to be me with a PRIVATE profile. I will NEVER make my profile private.

I'm awesome and I like cookies.
SweetDalilah 1/fev./2019 às 21:29 
Hi! Letting you know that Steam Awards cards expire later today. Craft them into badges, sell them or turn them into gems before they expire, if you already haven't. Have a great weekend! :phoenixheart: :steamhappy:
shv.grv 7/mar./2018 às 23:32 
+rep, fair and friendly trader
Erefus 6/mar./2018 às 13:48 
+rep, friendly and reliable trader
DraxxorT 26/fev./2018 às 15:29 
+Rep. Fast, reliable trader.
Canario 7/fev./2018 às 13:30 
Good trader, +rep :guardian:
RaiNBowMaSS 7/fev./2018 às 7:23 
+rep in Steam and ST, thanks for the trade