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Embrace the Emperor's Light or Embrace His Fist!
Praetors of Makedon Space Marines Chapter
Praetors of Makedon (Loyalists) • Eclipse Marines (Traitors)
:standardistheway: Chapter Name
:spacemarineskull: Praetors of Makedon

:standardistheway: Badge
:spacemarineskull: Imperial Fist emanating 16 conical sun rays from the fist outwards

:standardistheway: Heraldry
:spacemarineskull: Chainmail Metallic { RGB = (166,168,175) ; HSB = (227,5,69) ; HEX = #a6a8af }
:spacemarineskull: Golden Yellow { RGB = (255,198,55) ; HSB = (43,78,100) ; HEX = #ffc637 }

:standardistheway: Battle Cry
:spacemarineskull: Embrace the Emperor's Light or Embrace His Fist!

:standardistheway: Theme Music
:spacemarineskull: Metallica - Master of Puppets (Instrumental)

:standardistheway: Gene Seed
:spacemarineskull: Rogal Dorn

:standardistheway: Founding
:spacemarineskull: Unknown

:standardistheway: Homeworld
:spacemarineskull: None , fleet-based, fortress monastery on the Peltast starship

:standardistheway: Recruitment
:spacemarineskull: Various worlds based on convenience of location at time of recruitment

:standardistheway: Specialization
:spacemarineskull: Siege warfare
:spacemarineskull: Hunting down and eliminatieng renegade warbands
:spacemarineskull: All things spacehulk related

:standardistheway: Codex Astartes Compliance
:spacemarineskull: Compliant

:standardistheway: Regions Active
:spacemarineskull: Segmentum: Obscurus
:spacemarineskull: Sector: Calixis ; Subsector: The Periphery
:spacemarineskull: Sector: Ixaniad, Scarus, Askellon

:standardistheway: Power Armour
:spacemarineskull: Helmet: MK2, MK3
:spacemarineskull: Chest: MK6
:spacemarineskull: Shoulder Pads: MK7
:spacemarineskull: Vambraces: MK6, MK7
:spacemarineskull: Greaves: MK6
:spacemarineskull: Backpack: MK6

:standardistheway: Codex Astartes Company Colours
:spacemarineskull: Company 1: Skull White { RGB = (255,255,255) ; HSB = (0,0,100) ; HEX = #ffffff }
:spacemarineskull: Company 2: Golden Yellow { RGB = (255,198,55) ; HSB = (43,78,100) ; HEX = #ffc637 }
:spacemarineskull: Company 3: Dark Flesh { RGB = (138,57,56) ; HSB = (1,59,54) ; HEX = #8a3938 }
:spacemarineskull: Company 4: Knarloc Green { RGB = (67,79,56) ; HSB = (91,29,31) ; HEX = #434f38 }
:spacemarineskull: Company 5: Coal Black { RGB = (6,6,7) ; HSB = (240,14,3) ; HEX = #060607 }
:spacemarineskull: Company 6: Blazing Orange { RGB = (241,76,60) ; HSB = (5,75,95) ; HEX = #f14c3c }
:spacemarineskull: Company 7: Hormagaunt Purple { RGB = (78,68,104) ; HSB = (257,35,41) ; HEX = #4e4468 }
:spacemarineskull: Company 8: Chainmail Metallic { RGB = (166,168,175) ; HSB = (227,5,69) ; HEX = #a6a8af }
:spacemarineskull: Company 9: Regal Blue { RGB = (59,56,118) ; HSB = (243,53,46) ; HEX = #3b3876 }

:standardistheway: Colour Patterning
:spacemarineskull: Base is entirely Chainmail Metallic
:spacemarineskull: The entirety of the right arm is Golden Yellow
:spacemarineskull: The left shoulder trim follows the appropriate Codex Astartes colouring
:spacemarineskull: The chestplate ring is Golden Yellow
:spacemarineskull: The helmet grill is Golden Yellow
:spacemarineskull: The backpack ring is Golden Yellow


:fearsomeaura: Appellation
:blacklegion: Eclipse Marines

:fearsomeaura: Badge
:blacklegion: An eye at the centre of an 8-pointed star of Chaos (Black Legion)

:fearsomeaura: Heraldry
:blacklegion: Chaos Black { RGB = (32,32,32) ; HSB = (0,0,13) ; HEX = #202020 }
:blacklegion: Burnished Gold { RGB = (250,203,99) ; HSB = (41,60,98) ; HEX = #facb63 }
:blacklegion: Blood Red { RGB = (208,52,55) ; HSB = (359,75,82) ; HEX = #d03437 }
:blacklegion: Royal Blue { RGB = (67,107,149) ; HSB = (211,55,58) ; HEX = #436b95 }
:blacklegion: Camo Green { RGB = (166,154,80) ; HSB = (52,52,65) ; HEX = #a69a50 }
:blacklegion: Tentacle Pink { RGB = (247,184,202) ; HSB = (343,26,97) ; HEX = #f7b8ca }

:fearsomeaura: Battle Cry
:blacklegion: Embrace the Darkness!

:fearsomeaura: Theme Music
:blacklegion: Metallica - Creeping Death (Instrumental)

:fearsomeaura: Gene Seed
:blacklegion: Rogal Dorn

:fearsomeaura: Loyalist Progenitor
:blacklegion: Praetors of Makedon

:fearsomeaura: Affiliation
:blacklegion: Black Legion
:blacklegion: Hounds of Abaddon (Black Legion devoted to Khorne)
:blacklegion: Sons of the Cyclops (Black Legion devoted to Tzeentch)
:blacklegion: Bringers of Decay (Black Legion devoted to Nurgle)
:blacklegion: Children of Torment (Black Legion devoted to Slaanesh)

:fearsomeaura: Chaotic Devotion
:blacklegion: Chaos Undivided
:blacklegion: Khorne
:blacklegion: Tzeentch
:blacklegion: Nurgle
:blacklegion: Slaanesh

:fearsomeaura: Autonomy
:blacklegion: Semi-autonomous ; Integrated into the Black Legion, but remains a distinct entity within it ; Maintains its own separate internal structure ; Not wholly independant in its decisions and actions

:fearsomeaura: Colour Patterning
:blacklegion: Base is entirely Chaos Black
:blacklegion: The entirety of the right arm is Burnished Gold
:blacklegion: The entirety of the left arm is Chaos Black for devotees of Chaos Undivided
:blacklegion: The entirety of the left arm is Blood Red for devotees of Khorne
:blacklegion: The entirety of the left arm is Royal Blue for devotees of Tzeentch
:blacklegion: The entirety of the left arm is Camo Green for devotees of Nurgle
:blacklegion: The entirety of the left arm is Tentacle Pink for devotees of Slaanesh
:blacklegion: The chestplate highlighting is Burnished Gold
:blacklegion: The helmet grill is Burnished Gold
:blacklegion: The backpack highlighting is Burnished Gold

:fearsomeaura: Homeworld

:fearsomeaura: Recruitment

:fearsomeaura: Specialization
:blacklegion: Siege warfare

:fearsomeaura: Regions Active
:blacklegion: Sector: Calixis ; Subsector: The Periphery