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League - GM 550LP - 2021
CS:GO - SMFC - 2022
Rust - 27.8k - 2024

R.I.P CYBER - It was a fun run,
~ 07/24

@King who was the most annoying player/group that you had to deal with this year??
RyanJD Yesterday at 23:34
In the last couple of months we have received numerous reports regarding a clan called CYBER on our 2x Vanilla servers. It turns out they were exploiting a duplication glitch. Ironically enough, we had no way of detecting this, as every rocket that was duplicated had a unique item ID and appeared completely normal in the server console. Only when someone stepped forward and informed us that we were able to patch the exploit.

@PXIN Today at 16:23
We'll be targetbanned on all servers besides rusticated and rustoria if we play together.

@Floyd Today at 16:26
but thats just not going to happen is it

@Floyd Today at 16:31
we're all temporarily banned on moose for 2 weeks
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