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coffee009 3 jan, 2014 @ 1:20 
@Beeso3: Yes! Support the devs!
pulchr 8 dec, 2013 @ 8:41 
@Beeso3: I'm of course biased since I'm working on the game, you should ask someone more neutral if it's worth it or not.

I'm working on a new map right now but it will not be ready for the coming update (which is a rather big update with lots of stuff). But it's not a space map and neither a colosseum type of map.
Layla 8 dec, 2013 @ 5:41 
Pulchr, is premium gear up worth the cost? I love the game BTW, and more levels and arenas would be great! It would be cool to have a "Collosium" or a space map (With Low Gravity)
pulchr 7 okt, 2013 @ 0:23 
@connor11223: I'll answer in your thread - as soon as i've gotten my morning tea.
Connor11223 6 okt, 2013 @ 12:27 
i cant play gear up
theres a bug when i join a game it crashes
White Gemini 2 sep, 2013 @ 10:02 
would giving my info to http://play-gearup.com/crash-report be better then [email protected] , or are they the same.

for jungle the island map has most of the stuff you could use palm trees green textures.
winter would be a little tricker maybe light snow fall and an alpha texture to cover all tanks and buildings/objects to help look like winter ,and base ground snow textures, so ya it would be tougher then jungle for sure.

think i like the docks level most good sunset lighting and a good spider walker level too, reminds me of metal warriors for snes for some reson :happymeat::D.