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Recent reviews by Human Pudding

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32.7 hrs on record
This game is SOOO GREAT!!! But curious about it compares to the remastered version. Other than better graphics and added skins+tunes, is there anything new? Like new stages, weapons, combat? Like, why should I get the remastered version if I already own the original?
Posted 19 November, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
305.6 hrs on record (48.2 hrs at review time)
I JUST finished beating this game and LOVED IT!!!! I really did, indeed, HAD A BLAST!!!-while playing this game! Which would make sense being I'm a HUGE HotLine Miami fan!-It's probly my favorite (if not def top) series of games to come out in the past like 10years! So playing this was like playing HotLine Miami but with the ability to teleport 5ft or so! Hahaha! Which was a VERY fun idea! And very fun to play through doing! I highly recommend this game to EVERYBODY and ANYBODY!! But ESP. if you are a fan of HotLine Miami! In which case, you're going to LOVE this game! (And if you are a fan of HotLine Miami, you probly don't need me telling you this to know, just by watching the trailer I knew I was gonna love it-so I'm sure you probly can tell too! =P)

But anyways, it's a great game! I had a blast! I hope they continue to follow in the footsteps of HotLine Miami and make a #2!!!

IMO, the people that didn't like this game and gave it bad reviews are just the people that apparently just arn't to great a video games, but still like them, so they need there to be different difficulty levels(like easy's). Cus I see complaints about how the game is great but the 2nd half gets too hard-as in not enough check points for the amount of enemies you face......I played the same game as these people and I saw no problem in the amount in which the checkpoints were spread out! Sure, later in the game it gets harder and checkpoints are more difficult to get to.....but isn't that how games are supposed to work? If it stayed simple and easier to get from point to point throughtout the whole game...what kind of game would that be!? This game is TOTALLY FINE and a PERFECTLY challengeing game IMO!!! I had fun the whole time and the times I had trouble, were enjoyable, because it was the game getting more difficult, and I was always able to get past without thinkin I was cheated or anything! Some people just can''t stand losing is what it is, they gotta have an excuse for everything. =P
-But really, my ONLY, KINDOF COMPLAINT about the game......the final boss!!! All that build up...all that fight...and then I kill him that quickly/easily!!! WTF!!! I think he shoulda been harder!, not a little harder-ALOT HARDER!!!!
Posted 30 December, 2017. Last edited 3 October, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
this game pretty much just sucks. If you liked the old N64 games or PS1 games. this just sucks, don't waste your time. I wish I wouldv'e seen a review saying exactly this. It's just dog poop. I can play paper rock siccors without paying a bunch of money. Why not make it like the games for 64 that pretty much everyone and their mom owned. there was a reason they did. I hope they keep trying and get it right, bit damn....they didn't this time. glad I got it onsale, but at the same time I still wish I just never got it at all. It's just not fun, I would try to explain why but it would be easier to say why it is fun because ther are more reasons for it being bad than fun. So it's only fun because it's a new game with new stuff. But oh wait I can't really think of why it is fun. It just sucks. And I wanted it to be good so I did come into this with a good attitude.
Posted 5 September, 2015.
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76.7 hrs on record (27.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Growing up as a HUGE Road Rash fan, this game is exactly what I wanted it to be. I've been waiting for a new Road Rash for so many years now and THIS IS IT! It's finally here! So if you liked Road Rash alot and have been waiting for a new version it has arrived and I highly recommend it to you, if thats what you're looking for. Heck and if it's not and you have no clue what Road Rash is-I still recommend this game-it's a style of raceing game to enjoy.
Posted 16 July, 2015.
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126.6 hrs on record (71.3 hrs at review time)
If you grew up being a big fan of the Tony Hawk games and loved 1-3 then I would say get this game. I loved re-experiencing it all again with some updated graphics and then they even added new modes and new goals makes it even better (just because I played those levels so much in the past and now there are NEW things to do on them, sweet!). I saw one comment where somebody said they changed the controls, but the controls for mine were the same as the old.

I say get it and enjoy!
Posted 4 March, 2015.
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45.0 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
Awesome game. Best since DW3. Only thin gI don't understand is when you normally get a complete edition of games you get all the DLC too.....All I got from this is the normal game. Which I still can't complain about because it's great and I would have gotten it anyway. It was just misleading and not quite fair.
Posted 1 March, 2015.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries