Providenze   Madrid, Spain
Embrace the chaos, forge your destiny

Rarest Achievement Showcase
SeppL 1 Jul, 2014 @ 6:29am 
my friend :D
Vanther 29 Dec, 2013 @ 5:41pm 
A Thorvel lo han kickeado del GW2.
Molo 28 Oct, 2013 @ 3:00am 
Hey Son its been a while im doing greate here how are and everything ? Im back to university study + taken Japanese Corse as an ellictive corse, :D life is busy here so not playing that much .. atm just FFXIV waiting for Ghost to come around and ill try to give it a time. ill go back to be hard core player after a year or so once i graduate haha

anyway just wanted to say hi :D make sure to keep intouch !

Mohamed Almohairi:Excalibur:
Molo 17 Aug, 2012 @ 11:48pm 
Yo son long time no talk .. sorry man the game seem to have no future after a while playing it .. I went back to final fantasy 14 and my other bros are gameless . my nickname is Molo Zelkova if you ever came to FFXIV the server is muramase
Molo 15 Jun, 2012 @ 5:02am 
Yo m8 Im in Korea now the home of Tera :P, fine really but dont have time to play XD u know new place need discovery @_@. about my bros i think they might not play the game or just slacking since no new activity or what i heard them saying lol. best of luck thou! ill be back to my country in 24 of the month if all goes well XD