
Valera Staparik の最近のレビュー

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I considered to write first opinion in my life about this game.This is my favourite game sorry for my english mistakes, I have 1k hours in rust and i can say this game is f***ed up, but it's very intresting i recommend but also i do not recommend it for several reasons.The good things are that it is intresting to play its not boring and you can experience a lot of adventures and you can meet a lot of kind of people, you build bases you having fun a lot with friends.AND NOW it is the most intresting part of the game like I sad this game is f****ed up it was good before i started playing,but now after every update they(developer) make it worse and worse.They just make buff and nerfs on things in rust put new skins to get more money,UPDATES are useless or maybe not :D it is wourth to wait wipes thats one reason to wait for update...:/But this is not the worse part of this game including 20 people clans in 200 slot servers, so there are no way solo players could play this game, because they will get wiped out soon, SO worse part is that developers cant fix lags and fps drops, but every update they adding new assets and trying to make more money and not even trying to help players fix their lags.P.S I have great computer but my fps drops makes gameplay very bad :(.I recommend this game if developers will solve year problem fps drops and lags, because without lags and fps drops this game will be awesome to play, but now it is very laggy and fps drops everytime ....
投稿日 2016年12月10日.
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