Flux / USMCmarine / GrimaceArsonist

:csgoct: Just my autoexec when I don't play on my own PC, please ignore. :csgoct:


bind "`" toggleconsole

// Drop bomb
alias "+dropc4" "slot3;slot5"
alias "-dropc4" "drop;" bind "5" "+dropc4"

// Crouchjump
alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"
bind "n" +cjump

// Jumpthrow
alias "+jumpaction" "+jump;"
alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2"
alias "-jumpaction" "-jump"
bind MOUSE5 "+jumpaction;+throwaction;"

// you aren't the in the center of the radar which will prevent that you waste much space on your radar when you're not in the middle of the map
cl_radar_always_centered "0"

// chosen colours of teammates are visible on the radar
cl_teammate_colors_show "1"

// Your + and - keys will zoom the map in and out. It's useful because different maps require different levels of zoom.
bind "KP_MINUS" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05"
bind "KP_PLUS" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05"
cl_radar_always_centered 0

// Bomb/healthshot on the same button
bind 4 "slot5;slot12"

// Zooms in the radar so you can see where you are inside the smoke or when looking for C4
bind "h" "toggle cl_radar_scale 1 0.35"

// Nadebinds
bind c "slot8"
bind x "slot6"
bind z "slot10"
bind v "slot9"
bind f "slot7"


-freq 144 -refresh 144



// Enter the game, start a practice session in any mode and type: exec name
// Where "name" is obviously the name you chose for the file. The game will recognize it and show it in auto complete once you start typing it.
// You may have to verify integrity of game files after you place the file in that directory before you can join a Valve server again, but the file will stay there and still work.

sv_cheats true;bot_kick;mp_limitteams 0;mp_autoteambalance 0;mp_maxmoney 60000;mp_startmoney 60000;mp_buytime 9999;mp_buy_anywhere 1;mp_freezetime 0;mp_roundtime 60;mp_roundtime_defuse 60;mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1;mp_respawn_on_death_t 1;sv_infinite_ammo 2

// sv_regeneration_force_on true

bind v "ent_fire smokegrenade_projectile kill;ent_fire molotov_projectile kill;ent_fire flashbang_projectile kill;ent_fire hegrenade_projectile kill;ent_fire decoy_projectile kill;stopsound"

bind 4 sv_rethrow_last_grenade

bind n "noclip"
bind "F3" "bot_add_ct";
bind "F4" "bot_add_t";
bind "F5" "bot_place";
bind "F6" "toggle bot_stop 1 0";
bind "F7" "toggle bot_crouch 1 0";
bind "F8" "toggle bot_mimic 1 0";
bind "F9" "toggle cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1 0";


// watchdemo

bind "LEFTARROW" "demo_gototick -320 relative" // skip back 5 seconds

bind "DOWNARROW" "+ffw20" // fastfoward 20x speed toggle
alias "+ffw20" "demo_timescale 20"
alias "-ffw20" "demo_timescale 1"

bind "UPARROW" "+ffw50" // fastfoward 50x speed toggle
alias "+ffw50" "demo_timescale 50"
alias "-ffw50" "demo_timescale 1"

bind "RSHIFT" demo_togglepause // toggle pause demo

bind "RCTRL" demoui // opens demoui

bind "RALT" "toggle spec_show_xray" // toggle xray
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