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4.6 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
great game to share with the GF.
Posted 23 March, 2021.
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42.2 hrs on record (40.6 hrs at review time)
Damn good game, better with buddies
Posted 23 March, 2021.
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120.1 hrs on record (35.7 hrs at review time)
My daughter loves the Chocobos....
Posted 29 March, 2020.
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44.7 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
Junk. If you feel like getting yourself stuffed every game because the computer seems to just gang up on you, enjoy! 3v1 on easy, with the world mobs ONLY attacking you....have fun. Oh you spent all your time building troops and upgrades?.....here comes an Enslaver that takes control of your troops....and ONLY your troops, and then runs away so you can't kill it to get control of your HARD EARNED TROOPS! Oh caught up to the Enslaver?....well here's 4 groups of cultist to block you off, while your own enslaved guys shoot you, with Ambulls ready to pick the fecal blocks out of your colon. You want your colon cleaned?....good....I'm goin to clean mine. Uninstalled.
Posted 14 October, 2019.
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80.1 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Very satisfying gameplay. Great transparency from the Developer Comments concerning changes. Gunplay/melee feels seemless and sharp. This is what Warhammer 40k shooting/melee should feel like! Just needs some quality of life updates. I haven't had genuine fun in a long while!
Posted 30 August, 2019.
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13.0 hrs on record
I can't log into this game....for every reason known to man, this game has thwarted me from logging in. Wrong username, wrong password, try to recover, no account exists, try to create an account, account already exists, try to recover, recovery works, change passsword, enter new password, password/userid not recognized, try to login via game client, EMAIL FORMAT NOT RECOGNIZED....WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥ DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?????? I have never...NEVER had so much trouble trying to log into a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game....I've never been so angry at a game in my life......this is junk, don't bother.
Posted 12 February, 2019.
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0.4 hrs on record
Game simply won't load. It either goes to a grey screen...or blanks out in a black screen. I've literally had to cntrl+alt+dlt to shut it down, and restart it....4 times....and nothing different. My system is up to date, and all my software is up to date. What is the issue?
Posted 15 May, 2018.
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643.1 hrs on record (55.4 hrs at review time)
I am astounded by how much support this game gets from the developer. Some people will complain that bugs exists or that imbalances exists......NOT MANY DEVELOPERS PUT THE TIME THAT BEHAVIOR DOES. They've updated the games content well over 3 years now and doesn't seem to slow down. The new archives and rifts are welcome motivations for old/new players alike. We are still getting new maps, new survivors, new killers, new perks, and new cosmetics that can be earned via gameplay. Sometimes bugs show up (appropriate frequency for the amount of updates), sometimes events get delayed (rare). This is a horror fans dream, and should be experienced by all!
Posted 21 January, 2018. Last edited 2 November, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
214.2 hrs on record (116.0 hrs at review time)
It's a solid and polished game. It may have minor bugs, but not game breaking like the most of the Ubisoft or EA releases. Yes their will be DLC...but it's more than valid DLC, and most of it will come at a fair price. Some people cry about content...and I can somewhat agree...but Relic knows their audience...it's the MP aspect that's being polished. Hopefully, we'll see free DLC for the MP soon, as we have in the past like Last Stand...that WAS FREE!!!
Posted 8 May, 2017.
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314.3 hrs on record (242.7 hrs at review time)
***UPDATE June 23 2017***

The game is garbage. Factions are unbalanced. Systems are broken, game is no longer fun because I can't tell if someones cheating, game is lagging, game is fps dropping, or I simply missed. It's a completely unreliable game, and can only be played with a guild. DO NOT play this solo, as you will waste precious blood pressure on this garbage. The ONLY CAVEAT is that it is FTP...and oh btw, certain weapons and factions are Pay to win....I'll let you figure those out via the forums.

***UPDATE June 4 2017***
Considering the significant changes and updates to this game since I've last experienced it, I thought it'd be fair to revisit/rewrite this review. I will still keep the original review up since it's a valid review with still some relevant points.

Wow, free to play! I actually don't see that as an a bad thing, but it DOES insult those that forked over $40 during the EA....yeah, $40!!! Thankfully, they provided the founders with some upgrades and bonuses, but that's another day, lets get to updates.
Melee is MUCH better balanced. Yes, if a melee toon gets up to you, you're gonna die. I don't a problem with that. BUT, we now have a chance to shoot them down prior to getting to us, and we MIGHT be able to stun/finish them off via range. That's perfect. My only gripe, is that the rolling mechanics for certain classes seem impractical, as the recovery time DOES NOT allow you to retaliate in a meaninful way.
Collision detection is still somewhat problematic at best, or comical at worst. Vehicle collision detection is like a hoax. You're telling me a tank can barely move an inch, but it'll either kill or stun an armoured space marine....but if same tank runs over a rock, it'll fly through the air?!? Or if the side turrets glances a corner of a pillar it'll spin my tank around a near 180??? Or even bettter, I hit the same rock, and now I"m upside down...Who designs this?
Weapon balancing is MUCH better. Weapons now actually serve their purpose, and if a coordinated team acts together, whether it's personnel or armour...it's going down.
Aiming and interacting with the environment is still inconsistent. sometimes I'll duck to aim, and apparently my view will be blocked by a rock....that's NO H IGHER THAN MY KNEE...or a barrier....or my aiming reticule will just fly off my opponent if it's remotely close to a building structure within my foreground....I'm saying, I have a clear view to shoot...but I can't shoot because my aiming reticule is having a seizure.
The PVE mode is finally fixed, and apparently bug free from my current experiences....the only issue is getting people to play it properly. I've only completed a misson once, and don't know if the time spent is better here for exp/req, or at least comparatble to the MP. Either way, I'm surprised that simple termogaunts and hormagaunts are killing the emperor's finest....
Finally, overall content is still somewhat lacking, but I'm seeing more content come out....although sparingly.
Overall, now that' it's free, it's the best represenation of WH40K we'll ever get as a MP...and it's no longer horrible...just mediocre core gameplay polish at it's best with slim content.

The game is too broken to be bought at full price, or half price, or heavily discounted free price. Too many technical issues such as poor networking, colision detection problems (I'm a space marine that can't jump over a diagonal knee high wall....), gameplay design problems ( someone explain to me the benefits of stunning anyone as a heavy weapons marine), (melees auto target/instakill you while you try to desperately roll away or stun them in vain), range weapons heavily underperform against melees (You can literally count 8-10 HB rounds smashing into a CSM, only to have them autolock onto you and mow you down with melee), Lascannons takes over an entire minute of use to actually down a vehicle (that's like 6-8 shots with charging and recharging times). Just overall, this game is a frustrating mess that creates more stress than relieves it.
|The PVE is unreliable. Too many times would our entire teams play experience be thrown away due to a tyranid spawnig somewhere inaccessible and we cannot continue on. The time runs out and we lose. When that happens enough, people quit, and last I looked, their was less than 600 people playing.
If I wasn't busy with real life, I would have taken the opportunity to get the refund they offered. Alas, here I am with a broken mess of a game I wished would have worked.
Posted 18 October, 2016. Last edited 23 June, 2017.
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