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EDIT 5/4/2020:
Just wanted to add that the replay value has somewhat been increased as of today's patch. New Game+ got patched in as well as combat trials, which seem to be wave-based encounters outside of the story missions where you can just enjoy the combat system.

Everything else in this review still stands, so I've kept it totally intact. Just keep in mind that there's a little more replayability now.

So I've beaten this game, and have around 80-90% of the collectibles. I love the game but unfortunately I've kind of gotten all I can out of it.

The good:
- It's a Star Wars game published by EA that doesn't suffer from bland content or a serious lack of content.
- It's an EA game that doesn't suffer from modern gaming conventions. I purchased the game and received a complete package.
- It's got all the polished audio and visuals of an EA Star Wars game (say what you want, they all look and sound amazing).
- It's got well-executed Souls/Sekiro combat mixed with the solid platforming of Uncharted/Tomb Raider. Attack upgrades similar to what you could find in something like Shadow of Mordor make the combat system gradually open up as the game progresses
- Music is solid and feels Star Wars-y while also clearly doing its own thing.
- Story is pretty good, I both was and wasn't expecting the story to end how it did.
- Cast of characters is likable and they have that Star Wars-y chemistry, complete with witty banter.
- Story expands on the lore of the new Star Wars setting in an interesting way. Fallen Order's take on the Dathomir witches is pretty cool.
- The story didn't overstay its welcome. It was as long as it needed to be to push a well-constructed and well-paced narrative.
- On the topic of the story, this is probably the best Star Wars content to come out of the Disney buyout. Definitely leagues better than the sequel trilogy.
- It's Star Wars mixed with Dark Souls which is something I've wanted for a long time but never thought would exist.
- BD-1 is the best.

The Bad:
- Framerate is a bit iffy on my system if I play at 1080p for some reason. I can ensure a locked 60fps at 900p on an RX 580. 1080p is perfectly acceptable (never below 40-45) but not as consistent as I'd like for a game like this.
- It's a little short. I know I said it was as long as it needed to be, and I'm totally fine with a game that's not fifty to one undecillion hours long, but if there was a little more side content to keep me coming back I'd definitely be doing so. The gameplay itself is something I didn't want to leave behind, but I've done all there is to do in about twenty hours.
- The game's collectibles weren't great. I enjoyed the lightsaber crafting well enough but could really care less about the color of my poncho since I usually didn't wear it anyway. The ship colors were cool but I'm rarely near the thing so...
- I don't really mind Origin as a launcher but I'm not a fan of nested launchers. If I can get EA games on Steam and have a consolidated library I'll take what I can get though.

The Ugly:
- Nothing glaringly horrible about this game!

Definitely recommend this game for people who like Souls-likes or Star Wars games.
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